Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Youth Missioner in Germany!

I am back and adjusting to what time it is here in WNY after an amazing trip to Frankfurt Germany.  I went there at the invitation of the Youth Commission of the Convocation of Episcopal Churches in Europe.  Each year they hold a retreat for youth leaders where they can network, learn, share and have some fun together.  This year I was asked to be the leader of the program portion of the retreat.

What I discovered is that we share many challenges with our brothers and sisters in the various congregations scattered over Europe.  There are 8 parishes (Paris - the Cathdral, Waterloo Belgium, Frankfurt, Munich and Wiesbaden in Germany,  Florence and Rome in Italy and Geneva in Switzerland) plus another 7 missions (Clermont-Ferrand, Rennes and Gironde in France, Nuremburg, Augsburg and Karlsruhe in Germany and MŸhlbach am Hochkšnig in Austria).  So that's 15 churches in 6 countries.  Makes our drive times between congregations look pretty easy, doesn't it?  Most of them are fairly small with volunteer youth leaders.  Some have active youth ministries, others not so much.  Again lots in common with us here in WNY.

On the other hand they have multiple languages to deal with routinely.  Not everyone who is a member of a Convocation church is a U.S. citizen (If you remember the it used to be the "Convocation of American Churches in Europe" I think that is part of the reason for the change) but they are Episcopalians.  They may speak any of several languages (in Switzerland there are no less than 3 official languages - German, French and Italian, plus one unofficial language Romansh!) and come from very different backgrounds.  Imagine trying to create a "diocesan" youth event when you have to coordinate school calendars from possibly 6 different countries!  Because many of the folks involved are there as part of the American business, military or diplomatic connections they often are around for only limited amounts of time.  Consequently leadership roles are much more fluid than we usually deal with here in the States.

With all that said I met a wonderful group of Spirit filled, dedicated people who want the best for the young people in their congregations.  They laughed and prayed and sang and kept me on my toes.  We shared learning and ideas, hopes and dreams.  Their dreams include increasing the number of youth events in Europe to 5 per year in the very near future.  It was wonderful to be around the energy and excitement that they have for what they're doing.  They also kept me up way past my bed time almost every night I was there!

The cultural experience for me was profound as well.  It was my first trip to Europe and only my second trip out of the United States beyond trips into Canada.  Being in a country where I was almost totally reliant on other people to deal with day to day details because I speak effectively zero German was awkward.  It makes you feel incompetent and less than adult because you can't "take care of yourself".  Meanwhile it seems that large portions of the German population would be able to come to the States and not have this problem because they have at least a working understanding of at least English.  I heard of many people over there who were competent in more than two languages including at least one who spoke 5!  I need to think about how that makes me feel about some of the decisions we make in educating ourselves in this country.  Things in Germany were both very familiar (McDonald's, Coke, Burger King) and unfamiliar (there were these crazy green signs with a running man on them all over the place.  Turns out those are the emergency exit signs.  Where ours designate ways to get away from danger theirs are about how to get to safety.  Two sides of the same coin results in two very different images). In the midst of it all I got the chance to worship at Christ the King Episcopal in Frankfurt.  As it so often is for those of us born and raised in this tradition it was coming home.  Familiar prayers, familiar hymns, a familiar rhythm of worship.

It was a great experience and one that I will remember for the rest of my life! 

Monday, November 19, 2012

DeVeaux Scholarships at Niagara University

Recommendations for a DeVeaux Scholarship at Niagara University is open to all present Niagara University students and high school seniors who meet the following requirements:

The scholarships are restricted to full time students at any undergraduate level at Niagara University and to high school seniors who are considering entrance to Niagara University for the fall of 2013. Students must be residents of the Episcopal Diocese of Western New York and have their clergy or church warden submit a short letter of recommendation to the DeVeaux Commission.

Any interested high school senior should have a recommendation sent to this Commission even if they have not finalized Niagara as their university choice. They can always decline a grant if they choose to attend a different university.

Scholarships to be awarded in the academic year 2013-2014 are:
  • Three three-thousand dollar ($3000) tuition scholarships.
  • Judge DeVeaux Endowed Tuition Scholarships. The number and amount of these grants depend on the number of applicants and the interest available in the fund.
 Clergy letters of recommendation should contain the following:
  •  Student's name, address, and phone number.
  • Present high school/present year at Niagara University ( Freshman, Sophomore etc.).
  • Attributes that make the student a worthy candidate for the award.
  • Contributions the student has made to their school, church, community.
  • Parent's name, address, and phone number.

Letters should be e-mailed to or mailed to the DeVeaux Commission at 1088 Delaware Avenue 1E, Buffalo 14209. If you use the USPS to send your recommendation please advise me by e-mail or a telephone message (716-885-4169) that I should be expecting a recommendation.
The deadline for all recommendations is January 15, 2013. When all procedures are completed awards will be granted by this commission through Niagara's Financial Aid Department and Admissions Office.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

So What's A Standing Commission?

The week of Nov 12 I spent in St. Louis Missouri (so did Bishop Franklin!) serving on the Standing Commission for Ministry Development.  Folks wonder about  what I do when I go on my various trips so I thought I'd share.

So what is a Standing Commission?  These are what are called "interim bodies", in other words they exist in the "interim" between General Conventions.  While General Convention (GC) is the governing body of our church there needs to be groups who continue the work that GC decides on.  Some of those interim bodies are called for by the canons (The canons are the laws/rules of the Episcopal Church).  A Standing Commission is one those.  So our laws require that this group exist.  The canon also lays out what the membership should look like.  3 bishops, 3 priests/deacons and 6 lay people.  The Presiding Bishop(PB) names the bishops and the President of the House of Deputies (PHoD)names the other members.  For a lay member like me it could be any confirmed member of the church, you don't have to be a Deputy to General Convention (which I have never been).  So Bishop Franklin was named to his commissions (he's actually on TWO) by Presiding Bishop Jefferts-Schori and I was named by the last previous President of the House of Deputies Bonnie Anderson.  My term is for 6 years and I'm half way through.

So what's the Standing Commission on Ministry Development called to do?  Well the canon that creates us (for the really church geeky out there it is Canon I.1.2(n)(7)) also tells us what we are supposed to do.  In brief we are to recommend to GC ways to affirm, develop and exercise ministry for all the baptized (lay and clergy).  It then gives us specific methods of arriving at those goals.

So once every 3 years all the committees, commissions, agencies and boards created to do work between GCs (those groups are referred to as CCABs) gather together for some basic instruction of new members and to organize whatever work the latest GC has assigned us.  So a whole bunch of folks from all over The Episcopal Church arrived at St. Louis to begin our work.  I'm one of a handful of folks who are continuing members of my Commission.  Some folks terms expired, others resigned for a variety of reasons.  For example if you were a clergy member who becomes a bishop you need to resign.  Our chairperson stepped down because she simply didn't have the time to commit due to a positive but major change in her life.

So what did the group do in St. Louis?  We elected a new chair, vice chair and secretary and took a look at the resolutions from GC that have been referred to us.  They include resolutions discussing the place of confirmation in identifying leaders, a technical question about canonical residency (don't ask), plus a long range plan to try and bring how we train/educate clergy into the 21st Century.  We scheduled a couple more meetings IRL (we will only meet in person three times total in three years) plus schedule a video conference (we will do a LOT of these meetings).

It's also a chance to be with a variety of folks who have become friends over the last decade.  The Episcopal Church is in many ways a very small family.  I saw The Rev. Victoria Duncan who used to be on diocesan staff with me here in WNY and who now works at the Church Center in NY.  Ran into a couple of young adults that I met as members of past GC Official Youth Presence.  Met some new folks as well.  So it was a lot of fun.

I was honored to be named three years ago (and a little surprised.  Didn't know the President of the House of Deputies even knew my name!  The new PHoD, Gay Jennings, made sure to get my name.  Turns out I was the only person on the Standing Commission she didn't already know!) and I am honored to continue doing the work.

So now I'm back.  At least for another ten days.  Then I go to Germany!

Sunday, November 11, 2012

What's Coming Up!

Been a busy fall so far but there's still lots going on!

We are in the process of trying to bring the Episcopal Youth Event (EYE) to WNY in 2014.  Had a great prelim visit to the University at Buffalo.  They did a great job of showing why they would be a great site for the event.  Final word will be by the end of the year.  Keep praying!  This would be an amazing and HUGE event for the diocese.  We would be helping the EYE team to run this event with lots of support help.  Watch this space for more news!

Youth Commission is this coming Sunday, 2 PM at St Patrick's Cheektowaga.  Open to anyone in Grade 8 or older who would like to be part of the leadership of the diocesan youth ministry.  We need to start planning things like the Bishop's Overnight and the Bishop's Ball.

Adult Planning Day is December 8, 9 AM to 3 PM at the Diocesan Ministry Center.  This training is REQUIRED for any adult working with diocesan youth ministries in 2013.  This includes camp, Happening, Bishop's Overnight, Bishop's Ball etc.  This training is required for adults once every three years.  There will be another training in the spring.

This training is recommended for youth who want to work with diocesan youth ministries (Junior Counselor etc).  It is also recommended for adults working in congregational ministry.  The training is free.  Please contact me if you are planning on attending.

We are launching a new Twitter feed.  Check us out @EYouthWNY!  #EYouthWNY

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Being At Convention

At our recent Diocesan Convention I asked some of the youth reps to write a quick report on the experience.  Kayli Christ, Haley McCrossan and Caitlyn Conibear submitted this joint report.

Being at Convention was a bit boring I guess you could say.  But it was nice to know what's going on in the diocese.  Learning about the Mustard Seed project was pretty cool,  hearing how many churches and their ideas towards the project.  The most exciting part was talking to the bishop and giving him ducks.  He is overly excited to spend time with the youth at upcoming youth events.  Haley, Caitlyn and I had come up with an idea to teach the Bishop "Gangnam Style".  He is very excited to learn the dance.  His exact words were "I need some new dance moves".  He does not know what he is getting into!  There was some fun but also serious moments.  It was very informative at most points and even though the talk about the Fair Share was boring it was interesting hearing everyone's thought about.  So overall we had a good time.
In case you're not aware shortly after Bishop Franklin took office he and the youth of the diocese developed a running joke concerning ducks.  At Convention every time he left the dais he would return to discover yet another duck (mostly small Halloween theme rubber duckies) sitting at his microphone.  Our young people got the chance to observe our form of governance up close.  The Diocesan Youth Representatives are an important leadership position for our high school aged youth.

We will begin the process to select our youth reps for Convention 2013 early in 2013.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Changes on Facebook for EYouthWNY

Youth Commission has spent a large part of the last year working on bringing our Guidelines for youth ministry up to date and in line with the best practices available.  We believe that the effort to keep our standards to best we can be is worthwhile and appropriate.

Well those standards are now complete (download a copy of them HERE) and now it's time to begin making sure that we live up to them.  That will include more opportunities for youth and adult leaders to prepare themselves plus clearer statements of who we are and what we're trying to do.

It also, inevitably, means that some things will need to change.

Beginning November 15 the current Facebook group will become a youth only page.  Parents who wish will have access.  Youth Commission has designated a four adult moderator team to insure that the community there is in line with our standards.  The initial team is Youth Missioner Jay Phillippi, Youth Commission Adult Chair Wendy Schumacher, E.J. Gryzwna and the Rev. Vicki Zust.  The team is chosen from established leaders in the overall diocesan youth ministry, balanced for gender and with a clergy representative.

A new public EYouthWNY Facebook page has now been launched which is open to everyone who is interested in keeping up with the news.  Our hope is that both pages will become active communities.  If you put the term "EYouthWNY" into the search box at the top of the Facebook page you will get results for a "group" and a "community".  The group is the original page, the community is the new one.  We invite everyone to "Like" the new page as soon as possible.

In order to insure that we create the appropriate safe area for our young people this means that adults, young adults, and "graduated youth"  need to leave the original group.  This can be done easily by using the gear shaped icon next to the word "Notifications" on the upper right hand corner just below the pictures on that page.  Click on it and you'll get a drop down menu.  On that menu is the option to "Leave Group".  Please click that option.

Our hope and intention for this is to create a space where our youth can safely interact with one another.  A space that is THEIRS and safe.  The best practices standards we examined made it clear that such a space needs to be limited to only those youth in that age group.  For our 'graduated youth' in college or in their 20s-30s I would note that there are Facebook pages already waiting for you to join.

If you have any questions or concerns please contact 
Jay Phillippi
Youth Missioner

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Youth Leaders at Convention

We have a limited number of slots available for young people who want to understand how we make decisions in the Episcopal Church at our Diocesan Convention this year.  If you would like to be part of the unofficial youth delegation (the official youth delegates have been chosen and named)  you can come and join us in Mayville October 26-27.  If you can only attend on Saturday that's fine as well.

All you need to do is arrange for transportation to and from the Convention.  We can provide both room and board for your stay.  BUT WE MUST KNOW IN ADVANCE!!!!  You must notify the Youth Missioner if you are coming and when.  The youth delegation will be staying at Camp Merz, a Boy Scout camp next door to the convention location.  We can walk back and forth between the locations.

This opportunity is open to High School aged youth.  You must complete a permission form to come.  Download a  pdf version of the permission slip which includes information you will need at:

If you have any questions contact the Youth Missioner at or call 716-320-0733

Monday, October 1, 2012

This week's newsletter!

Don't forget you can receive this news (plus a lot more!) each week as an e-mail.  Just subscribe using the links at the top of the page on

Do not miss out on the great fall youth events!  Get signed up today.
Next weekend is Journeys for grades 6-8.  This is a great weekend of fun and a chance to get together with friends you made at camp!  Tired of school and the same old routine?  Here's a weekend getaway.  Don't miss out.  We'll be at St. Mark's Orchard Park.  Cost is only $30 and applications are available at the website  Go to the Downloads page!  Come join us!

Happening weekend #30 is also coming up.  We need to have 12 candidates applications in hand by next Saturday.  We are short of that right now.  This Saturday is a HARD DEADLINE!  If we don't hit 12 by then the weekend will be postponed.  Please get your applications in ASAP.  You can e-mail them to me at or fax them (716)483-6406.  If you get it in the mail by Wednesday you should be fine.  

You've probably heard lots of people talk about this weekend away.  It is a lot of fun, music, games, and a faith experience that is really aimed at you.  How do we do it?  Simple, we leave young people in charge.  A great team is waiting for young people looking for a profound and fun weekend retreat.  If you're a Happener already urge your friends to come.  The applications are available at as well.

Our new text message service is up and running but you need to enroll in it to get the messages.  At the moment we have exactly ONE person signed up!  Details are available below and at our Facebook page or get in touch with me and I'll help you get set up (But it's REALLY easy!).
  What really is exciting is that you can decide if you want to receive the reminders as a text or an e-mail.  

We've done that by setting up groups for the youth based on your graduating class plus a separate one for adults.

Signs ups are done by either texting or e-mailing.  If you want to receive texts send a text, want e-mails send an e-mail. 

You'll need a code to sign up.  Codes are available at our EYouthWNY Facebook page or get in contact with me.

October 5-7 - Journeys #3
October 12-13 - Happening Team Overnight
October 14 - Youth Convention Delegation Meeting
October 21 - Youth Commission
October 26-27 - Diocesan Convention
November 1-4 - Happening #30

Friday, September 28, 2012

A new banner and some reminders

So check out the new header (that's that big purple thing up at the top of the page) for our blog.  I finally sat down and created something that I'm much happier with for our diocesan youth ministry blog!  It was lots of fun sorting through photos trying to find the right ones in the right size.  I think it gives a much better look at the kinds of things we do together.

Speaking of doing things together -

Journeys #3 - Is just a week away!  Remember it's for youth in grades 6-8 and  you can do it each year!  Cost is just $30.  Journeys #3 will take place at St Marks Orchard Park. October 5-7.  You'll find all the information you need and registration forms HERE

Happening Weekend #30 - The application deadline for our next Happening weekend is coming up soon too.  If you're in grades 9-12 think about joining a Happening weekend.  It's a great time of fun and faith.  And food.  Lots of good food.  And music.  The program is run entirely by young people for young people.  Applications are HERE.  Cost is  $100

Want more details?  Check out HERE

Check the EYouthWNY Facebook page for details on our new text message service too!

Monday, September 10, 2012

And now back to our routine!

And just that suddenly it is Fall it seems!  Back to our routine as program years begin to get cranked up once again.  We had a great summer (over 80 kids at camp!) and now we're looking forward to some great programs for the 2012-13 year as well.
The first Youth Commission meeting of the year is coming up this Sunday.
September 16, 2 PM at St Patrick's Cheektowaga.
If you have youth in grades 6-8 then let them know about Journeys Weekend #3.  This is a fun and action packed spiritual retreat weekend designed specifically for the needs of that age group.  Cost is only $30 and it will be held at St Mark's Orchard Park October 5-7.  Applications can be downloaded from the Downloads page at
For High School aged youth there is Happening Weekend #30, November 1-4 at Camp Pioneer in Angola.  This is a profound and fun spiritual weekend that will lead youth deeper into their experience of God.  If you're not familiar with Happening check out the Happening page on the website.  Applications are available on theDownloads page

 A great summer should be the start of an incredible fall.  As always if you have any questions get in touch with me.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

General Convention - Final Report

It's hard to believe that my 9 days are over here in Indianapolis.  It also seems like I've been here forever.  I am definitely ready to go home.

Yesterday was another slower walking day with only 8,865 steps recorded.  So just shy of 4.5 miles.

More important legislation rolled through.  A budget was approved.  A resolution having to do with what's called the Open Table was approved but no one is quite sure what it really changes.  There is a discussion going on in our denomination about what to do about folks who are not baptized but who wish to receive Communion.  Traditionally that is something for those who have joined our community in faith.  On the other side is the argument that if they truly wish to receive and the Holy Spirit leads them to the rail should we refuse?  The resolution brought that issue much more out in the open and recognizes that we are living in that tension.  It is intended to clear the way for a pastoral response but it is deeply disturbing to many folks.

I'm very proud of one resolution that was passed.  Having to do with what is known as the DREAM Act it concerns young people who have been raised in our country but are not properly document immigrants.  The resolution was originated by a member of the GCOYP and received the support of deputies to be brought to the floor where it passed.  It was a proud moment for all of us involved with this group of young people.  Several of us were in tears as the vote was taken.

I leave GC77 knowing that our church is facing more change.  We took the first steps towards determining what we will look like in the future.  That is a scary concept for some in our tradition.  To be honest it is a difficult and challenging path that lays in front of all of us.  My hope is that we will work together, pray together, stay together on that journey.  I am not particularly interested in a church that is "purified" so that we can continue to struggle, to remain in tension with our faith and the issues that our faith raises.

There were many good, faithful people here who I believe are holding onto that same dream, that same vision for the future of the Episcopal Church.

Time to finish packing and take my last turn around this city.  Then hop on the shuttle bus and head off to the airport, to the arms of my loved ones and finally home.


Wednesday, July 11, 2012

General Convention Day Seven

My walking numbers continue to decline.  Only 6,665 on this day.  Two reasons for that.  Fewer meetings being held so I don't have to walk to them PLUS the weather has gotten much cooler (down into the 80s) so I can take the direct path outdoors rather than the very circuitous path through the gerbil tubes.  It's been really pleasant the last couple days after starting off in the 100+ temperatures.

I've mentioned how tired I've been.  It finally caught up with me.  I woke up at 9:45 AM after sleeping the better part of 11 hours.  Guess I needed the sleep.  At this point the group is being given permission to care for ourselves so my tardiness was met with good humor.

Today was an interesting day.  As GC winds down there are still many resolutions waiting to be dealt with and some of them are important like the budget.  A resolution that would have changed the selection process of the GCOYP was sent back to committee who deleted the section that we disliked (and lots of others agreed it was wrong) and the clean version passed.  The budget was presented and is a much better version than the first one we saw.  For those of us in youth ministry and formation it is a huge improvement.  H-U-G-E.  The vote on that is still to come but everyone seems comfortable with the work done by the committee.  The most inspiring moment was when the new plan for re-organizing our denomination based on the Anglican Communnion's Five Marks of Mission passed unanimously.  Not a single no vote.  The House of Deputies was given permission to applaud and gave the vote a standing ovation.

This was also a hard day in our church.  Resolutions confirming this denomination's belief in equality for LGBT members, including a blessing service for same sex unions, passed.  While seen as a victory by most of our church it was a bitter moment for as much at 25% of the Deputies.  The passage was greeted with respectful silence but I know more than a few theologically conservative Deputies were reduced to tears by the action.  What I have learned over my three trips to GC is that it is filled with passionate, faith filled people who attempt to do their best for God even while disagreeing.  It was a bittersweet moment for many on the "winning" side because we love and respect all our brothers and sisters.  The fact is that we relieved pain for some and created pain for others.  Please pray for all the Deputies and Bishops as they prepare to return home.

Day 8 is our final full day here.  The young people have done a wonderful job and humbled me by their passion and dedication.  They are a joyful, faith filled, glorious hope for our future.  And I will miss them all.  I hop on my plane on Thursday.  It will be good to be home.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

General Convention Day Six

Things are starting to slow down here at General Convention.  Committees have largely wrapped up their work so the days focus more on the legislative sessions.

My walking for Monday was "only"  10,455 steps or right about 5 miles.

It was back to a pretty straightforward day.  No special events or anything.  Worship in the morning was wonderful featuring Native American language readings and music.  Really enjoyed that quite a lot.  I could follow along with where they were in the printed reading material for all the languages except the Dineh.

The biggest challenge facing us today was tiredness.  Several of the young people are feeling under the weather still but most of us, adults and youth, are just flat tired.  I also talked to some of the WNY delegation who noted that they were tired as well.  We're trying to care for one another, letting folks grab naps, go to bed early, skip unnecessary meetings and things like that to help us get to the finish line.

The one exciting thing is that one of our youth has written a resolution that was then sponsored by a deputy (the GCOYP can't sponsor legislation) that has passed the committee process and we hope will reach the floor before GC ends.  Check out the link HERE to see one of the GCOYP testifying on the DREAM Act Resolution.

You can find more photos and interviews and videos about GCOYP  at the EpiscoYouth blog

Monday, July 9, 2012

General Convention Day 5

Sunday is a slow day at GC.  We got to sleep in!  First event is the United Thank Offering in gathering for the whole church which is always impressive.  The service was very good with some Taize chant added in so it was better.  After that it was a free event at the ballpark.  Everything was free, food, games, various kinds of "stuff".  You could make a donation or several donations and all the money went to three dioceses - Haiti, one in Brazil and one in Africa.  It was actually a lot of fun.

Still had a good walking day - 15,672 steps so just over 7.5 miles.  I'm happy to report that my feet and legs are holding up well.

The weather remains hot but it's dropped down into the high 80s more often so that makes it a bit more bearable.

After the fun outside it was back inside for a single legislative session.  So an easy day as far as the work goes.  Afterwards various dioceses and provinces had evening parties.  I went with the Province II youth to the provincial dinner.  Introduced them to various folks until they were tired out (took about an hour) and then we went home.

I was so tired I was sent to bed.  I complied.

One of the things that folks don't realize about GC is that it is both long and hard.  The days start at 7 AM with committee meetings many days and can go until 10 PM.  For a couple days that's fine but for 9 days in a row it's just brutal.  There is a real need to pace yourself but even then by Monday or Tuesday people really begin to drag.  If you're not careful you can even get sick.  We've had a variety of folks have exactly that problem at the convention so far.  For the Deputies if they really start to drag they can have an alternate take their place on the floor.  The GCOYP don't have alternates so we adults try to keep our eyes and ears open for when they need a break.  The young people are pretty good about admitting when they need to stand down.

By the way the performance not only of GCOYP but of the young adult deputies this year has been tremendous.  Articulate, prepared and confident they are taking their place as leaders early.  And that is great news.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

General Convention - Day Four

A quick addition to yesterday – favorite quote from the floor came during the discussion about selling the building at 815 Second Ave in NY (which is where the Church Center is).  Noting that the building represents a remnant of the historic understanding of church as a center of temporal power the speaker said,
                “Constantine has left the building.  It also seems that Constantine has left the building”
A brilliant summation I thought.

Lots of walking today too.  Final count - 14,318.  It dropped off today because I spent most of the evening sitting outside a committee meeting while one of our youth did their work.  Some quality reading time though!

Having grumbled about worship yesterday I need to note that today was better.   We had music before  and after (and a bit at Communion) from a steel drum band from a parish in Brooklyn.  The rest of the music was largely from Wonder, Love and Praise and Lift Every Voice which was fine.  The real high point however was the sermon by Bishop Michael Curry from North Carolina.  If you’ve ever seen Bishop  Curry preach you know that he rocks!  And he did it again today.  Calling us all to be Crazy Christians he had the hall enthralled.  I hope that his sermon is/will be available online.  Take the time and see it.

The OYP got a real close look at what the legislation process can look like.  A resolution that included some wording affecting how future OYPs would be chosen came up and went through some major wrangling.  Amendments and amendments to amendments and procedural points and the whole thing being interrupted in the middle of the process for other items.  At the end of about an hour’s worth of work the whole thing was sent back to committee to be fixed.  It can be incredibly frustrating but it is part of the whole process of how we govern ourselves.

Meals for a group this are a challenge.  We have to get out meals out in the public just like all the other folks here.  Which means places get full fast and they don’t necessarily want to see a group of 30 folks walk through the door!  Kudos to the folks at Panera Bread and Buco di Beppo who handled it beautifully. Dinner was pizza with the folks from the Young Adult Festival.

Got a chance to wander through the Exhibition Hall some more.  Ran into a youth group from the Diocese of New Jersey led by their diocesan staff person Deacon Debi Clark.  Also saw a former GCOYP member Rich Hogue who is working at the Episcopal Service Corps table.  Spoke with Tracey Herzer the boss lady at Leader Resources (she sent me away with a new idea for formation and ministry with young people in smaller congregations or even at the Deanery level.  Don’t let me forget that I have that to share when I get back!)  So a pretty typical day.  Lots of friends and acquaintances floating around.

Will tell you this - we are all, youth and adult, very tired.  Lots of punchy giggling going on.  Fortunately  Sunday is a slower day on the schedule.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

General Convention Day Three

(A note on the irrgular posting of these updates.  Because I have to be where the young people need me and many of those places don't have WiFi I can't post as quickly as I'd like.  So these are running later than I'd prefer.  I hope to get caught up tomorrow morning.  We'll see if I can stay there)

Well I said the days would get busier!  Day three saw 12,000+ steps overall.  I was just shy of that number at 4:30 today!  Final count?  17,575 or just under 9 miles. More committee meetings and that kept  me moving.    Some quick thoughts from the day:
So far I’ve been disappointed in the worship.  It has been extremely well done don’t get me wrong.  But it has been very “Episcopal Standard”.  Some music from Lift Every Voice and some Taize chant.  Sermons by the Presiding Bishop and the President of the House of Deputies were both solid as per usual.  But I remember much more adventurous worship in 2003 with a much wider variety of music.  I know that some folks get antsy when we do something that isn’t “mainstream” but we need to  deal with the reality that the “mainstream” has moved from where an awful lot of us assume it is.
It has been a tough day for Bonnie Anderson the President of the House of Deputies (PHoD).  She stumbled moving away the pulpit following the sermon and had an ongoing rough day running the Convention.  Fortunately both she and the House had a great sense of humor about it all.
It was a momentous day for me.  I actually got to walk onto the floor of the House!  The House was in recess at the time so I was not struck dead on the spot.  PHoD invited two of our young people address the House today.  I got to go with them for the audio check and give them the last bits of advice that I could offer.  In the afternoon they did a great job and got a standing ovation for their efforts.
I have now (in my lifetime) had 5 different opportunities to meet the current Presiding Bishop.  I missed the first one because of my stroke and have found one thing after another standing in my way.  It seemed like GC would be a great opportunity.  So far the PB has met with the OYP twice.  And I’ve been otherwise occupied both times.  Sigh.  On the other hand I’ve bumped into and spoken with PHoD multiple times.  Still freaks me out  a little that she seems to know who I am.  LOL.
The Exhibition Hall!  One of my favorite parts of GC is the central bazaar known as the Exhibition Hall.  Things to buy, information to gather, people to meet.  It goes on for most of the time of GC and is just an amazing place.  It fills a HUGE room and I finally got the chance to get in.  My practice is to cruise through the first time just to see what’s there, and then explore in detail over the remaining days.  Well I got in there twice today and still haven’t seen everything!  

Friday, July 6, 2012

General Convention Day Two

Well I told you that the days would get busier.  My step total for Thursday was 12,300+ so just over 6 miles!  The hotels  surrounding the Convention Center here are all connected to one another and the Center as well.  That is very convenient to avoid going outside into the 100 degree heat.  Even the locals agree this is really hot weather.  The problem is that what’s created is the world’s largest gerbil cage.  So I spent most of yesterday trying to get the map of the areas where we will spend most of our time.  Fortunately the youth have been here several days longer than I have and already know their way around. 
Ah the young people!  Every GCOYP I’ve worked with have been great and these young people fit in beautifully.  They spent the first day testifying at a variety of committees and have gotten lots and lots of rave reviews.  If you follow Twitter check out the hashtag #GC77.  There have been lots of chatter every time some member of the OYP speaks.  Part of what I do here is to help them with their testimony and comments.  My job is not to shape their thoughts but to help them make sure that they have stated their ideas clearly.  So they write their speeches out, bring them back to the adults sitting in the visitor’s gallery and we go over them quickly.  Very often there is very little time for that review so we are forced to speed read.  Usually the hardest part is reading the handwriting because they’ve written very quickly.  In whatever small way I’ve been able to help the GCOYP has done wonderfully.
Quick note on Lis Engle from St Matthias who is a member of the GCOYP – She is doing a great job and has taken particular interest in legislation centered on smaller congregations.  If you know Lis then you’ll be familiar with her bright smile and energetic personality.  She is representing herself, her parish, her diocese and province very, very well.
The day itself was pretty straight forward divided between legislative sessions and committee meetings.  This means I tag along and sit in the gallery while they do whatever they need to do.
Lunch was fun.  Bp. Stacey Sauls the Chief Operating Officer of TEC joined us in the suite that we use as our meeting space.  Bp. Stacey is very personable and answered any all questions the young people had.  Mostly it was concerned with budget issues which is probably the biggest controversy facing the Convention this year.  There are other issues that will generate their own heat but nothing compares with the budget.  It was a great time and wonderful that the bishop was willing to take time out of a very busy time to be with us.
The meetings went on into the evening.  The good news is that we managed to wrap up a little earlier so I was back in my room just before 11 PM.  Even better I wasn’t needed to be an early riser the next day so I had a nice long sleep period available.
And we all know that’s a good thing.  Tomorrow I finally visit the Exhibition Hall!!

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Day 1 at General Convention

I'm going to try and give you an idea of  what my day to day life at General Convention.  My first day was Wednesday July 4 and it was a doozy.  I have been the Master of Ceremonies at the Independence Day Parade in Mayville NY for 25 years.  The idea was that I would do the parade with my daughter  as co-MC.  So I got up that morning, finished packing, tossed my bags into the car and headed to Mayville.  So far so good.  Unfortunately once the parade began the sky grew darker and darker .  A rumble of thunder.  A distant flash of lightning.  A NOT so distant flash of lightning.  And then the heavens opened.  The downpour sent the crowds flocking to cover and e announcers to do likewise.

Amazingly a fair number of the units kept right on marching so we kept on announcing.  It was a lot of fun while being utterly uncomfortable the whole way along.  Our notes were drenched, units were out of order so it was a bit of a challenge.  But everyone was great about it and it will be a parade that will be talked about for years.

The problem was that I had planned to go directly to the airport after the parade.  But I was soaking wet!  So home quickly, clothes into the dryer and THEN off to the airport.  Gladly there were no adventures on either flights (Erie to Detroit, then Detroit to Indy).  It was kind of interesting that at one point I had people next to me speaking Norwegian, folks one row up speaking in French, and folks a row back speaking in German.  Very cool.

A quick ride from the airport to the hotel with a surprise at the end.  Indianapolis is the home of the AAA minor league team for my beloved (and at the moment fabulously successful) Pittsburgh Pirates.  I got a text saying that the General Convention Official Youth Presence (GCOYP) was at the game and there was an extra ticket with my name on it!  The game started early so it was the 7th inning by the time I got there.  It was big time hot but it was great time and the Indians won!  Even saw a home run!

We finished the day in a meeting and had fireworks right outside the hotel windows.  I finally got back to my room about 11:30 to unpack.  My lights finally went out at midnight.  Long day.

I have a step counting pedometer with me so I'll keep you up to date about how much walking I get in.  With airport walking and the like I had a fairly average day for me - 8,857 steps.  So that's about 4 miles.  I have no doubt it will be my easiest day for a while.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Photos from Senior High

Sorry for the delay! We've had some technical issues and besides we have to stop having fun to post these!  Which do you think we'd rather do?

Friday, June 8, 2012

Happening #30!

The corrected applications for Happening Weekend #30 are now up.  We needed to correct some dates for the Team.  Now we are ready to go.  Check them out on the Happening Page at the EYouthWNY website!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Youth Missioner and General Convention

I know I've mentioned several times that I will be going to General Convention.  Folks still ask me questions about what I'm doing there and if I'm a Deputy for our Diocese.  The answer to that second question is no but the answer to the first is pretty interesting.

This will be my third time at the General Convention of the Episcopal Church.  I went in both 2003 and 2006.  Quick review in case you're not clear.  General Convention is like our diocesan convention in that it is the business meeting of the church.  Budgets get passed, plans for ministry and making decisions about our future together all take place at the conventions.  One of the most common phrases about either convention is that they are "family reunions", a gathering of folks from all over the church for discussion, sharing and joy.

General Convention (GC) is different from our diocesan convention in that it only meets once every three years.  That means the budgets are bigger, the plans are longer range and the discussions need to be longer.  Plus it is many, many times larger.  Lay, clergy and bishops from just over 100 dioceses.  Plus staff people and exhibit people and people who just like hanging out at GC (yes, there are people like that).  So it is HUGE.

In the midst of all that I'll be working as a mentor with the General Convention Official Youth Presence (GCOYP.  Episcopalians love acronyms).  GCOYP is made up of two young people from each province of our denomination.  So there are 18 young people from all over including the Dominican Republic and Puerto Rico (The Episcopal Church [TEC] goes beyond just the U.S.) This means a lot of things.  I'm there because I have experience both with GC and GCOYP.  In addition I work with the young people on speaking in public and media relations.  My background is very strong in both those areas and it's great fun for me to bring those different parts of my life all together.  Beyond that I and the other mentors basically serve as staff for the youth.  You see THEY are the important folks for that time and place.  GCOYP is granted seat and voice in the House of Deputies (HOD.  As compared to the House of Bishops which is HOB.  I told you we LOVE acronyms!).  They need to focus on the issues that are before them and the days are long.  We are commonly out the door on our way to hearings or meetings at 7 A.M. and wrap up the day around 11 P.M.  Every day for 9 days.  So that means I get them supplies they need, dig up answers they need, set up meetings and upon occasion get them a cup of coffee.

It's hard work.  It's also work that I love doing.  I've been blessed that Bishop Franklin like Bishop Garrison before him supports me in this ministry. After camp this is one of my favorite parts of my ministry.  This year we will also have a youth from our diocese there as a member of GCOYP.  Elisabeth Engle is one of the two Province Two representatives.  We both have a lot of work waiting for us.  I'm sure I speak for Lis when I say we would appreciate being kept in your prayers along with the Deputies from WNY and Bishop Franklin.

My time at GC will run from July 4-12.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Well Worth Reading

I shared this link on the Adult newsletter this week but I think it's worth a wider reading as well.  Adam McClane is currently one of my favorite reads in the world of Youth Ministry.  He's an "in the trenches"  youth minister, husband, father, writer and creative type person.  According to his blog bio
He is a purveyor, connoisseur, trader, and collector of ideas.
Which means he's definitely my kind of guy.  A couple weeks ago he posted a blog about things he didn't feel like he should be expected to apologize for as a youth minister.  I really enjoyed the post (although I did call him out on one item in the comments.  Scroll down and check it out.  As always he handled it with grace and humor).  The list, he reminded me, is a personal one for him but contains lots of great thoughts.

What would be on your list of things you don't think you need to apologize for?  I'll admit that reasons 1, 2 and 4 just leapt out at me.  This one is worth a read and I'd recommend checking in on Adam regularly.

Don't Apologize

Monday, April 16, 2012

This Week's Newsletter!

Wow, what a week last week was for me.
Spent it with the young people of the General Convention Official Youth Presence (GCOYP) 2012 in Indianapolis IN preparing for this summer's General Convention(GC).  Our own Elisabeth Engle was there as one of the two youth representing Province II (the other is Grace Steele from the Diocese of Long Island.  Keep them both in your prayers)

We spent a lot of time in conversation about what happens at GC, what their roles will be, how to live together in a high pressure environment for 9-10 long hard days, how to deliver speeches and how to deal with the media.  We also sang, worshiped and laughed.  We laughed a lot.  GCOYP12 has young people from all over the continental U.S. plus Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic.  They speak at least 3 languages among them, maybe 4 (English, Spanish, French and I thought I heard some German being bandied about)

Please keep all the young people and the adults working with them in your prayers as we move towards General Convention in July.

Plus don't forget - 

We are now accepting applications for the Diocesan Convention Youth Representatives.  This is one of the premium leadership slots for youth in our diocese.  These young people are the voice of youth at the highest level of our diocesan government.  There will be only one youth rep chosen from each Deanery.
If you are interested you must:
  1. Currently be in grades 8-11
  2. Able to commit to being present for all of the following - training May 20 following Youth Commission, a pre-convention meeting October 14 at 2 PM, and BOTH days of Convention.  We will provide you with a letter explaining missing school on that Friday.
  3. Be prepared to present yourself and your ideas in a manner appropriate to the event.
 Convention this year is taking place in Mayville.  The Youth delegation will be staying at Camp Merz, the Boy Scout camp next door to the hotel where the convention will take place.  Applications are available on the website and the EYouthWNY Facebook page.


And of course don't forget  - CAMP!!!!!!!!

Get your applications in!  It's never too early.  I think this will be a wonderful year.  It'll be even better if you're there too.

Don't forget that camp applications are now available online AND you can register online too!  Let's keep those camp registrations rolling in!

Online registration is HERE
Or download an application HERE

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Summer Mission Trip and Convention Youth Reps

Two important notes:

If you're interested in a mission trip this summer check this out:

Mission Trip
July 22 – 29, 2012 - Elyria, Ohio
We will be rebuilding porches, renovating housing, creating new community spaces while making new friends, having fun and helping celebrate the 150th anniversary of St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church

Who: All youth who will be in grades 7 – 12 in September 2012
We could also use a couple of adults who want to come along
What: A week of work, fun and old and new friends
Where: St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church
300 3rd St. Elyria, Ohio, 44035 – a suburb of Cleveland
Cost: $350
Details: We will leave St. Paul’s Harris Hill – 4275 Harris Hill Rd. 14221 at 3:00 p.m. on Sunday July 22 and return to St. Paul’s at 5:00 p.m. on Sunday July 29.
Deadline: Registration Information and a $150 deposit must be in by June 1.
Questions: Contact the Rev. Vicki Zust – or 716-632-8221

There is a flyer/poster with more details that you can download HERE


And don't forget the deadline to apply to be a Diocesan Convention Youth Representative is April 22!

You can get your application HERE

You must in grades 8-11 right now and be able to attend the training sessions May 20 and October 14 plus both days of Convention.  

If you have questions get in touch with the Youth Missioner!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Online Camp Applications are Here!

We've been working on a new system for doing our online camp application process!  You can now apply using the form found on the main DIOCESAN page (  Select the Diocesan Life tab and it's at the bottom of the menu.  There is also a direct link on our Camps page at the DIOCESAN YOUTH website (

Or you can just click HERE

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Camp Applications!

We're still working on the online registration but here are the applications in case you need them.

Camp application for campers - remember the March 1 Early Bird Deadline.  Save $15 off the cost of camp if you get your application AND deposit in by March 1.  You can use this form for any of our camps.

If you want to serve on staff at one of our camps use this form:

All camp staff should be prepared to attend the camp staff training day May 19 at the Diocesan Ministry Center.

Monday, January 30, 2012

News from this week's newsletter.  You can sign up for the newsletter at
Look for the link at the top of any page.

Hope everyone is getting excited about the Bishop's Ball.  Bishop Bill is looking forward to seeing LOTS of faces at the dance.  Feel free to bring a friend, make sure you invite all the youth at your church!  Cost is just $5, 7-10 PM, February 11 at the Diocesan Ministry Center.  We've got a new video about Bishop's Ball you can download from HERE

Applications are now available to download HERE

We are still working on the online applications.  Should have them soon.  Your church already has some applications, make sure you ask about them.

Please make sure your parents see this years new Early Bird Registration .  Get your application AND deposit in by March 1 and save $15 on the cost of camp.  There will be no "extension" on the Early Bird Registration.  It must be in by March 1!
If you're a Happener and want to be on the Team for the Spring weekend remember the deadline for applications is this Saturday!  If you haven't Happened yet think about it!  This is a great weekend filled with fun and music and some great spiritual thinking time led by other teens.  Find out more HERE

Upcoming Events

Happening Board Meeting - February 11

Bishop's Ball - February 11, Diocesan Ministry Center 

Youth Commission - February 19, 2 PM St Patricks Cheektowaga  

Monday, January 9, 2012

Happy New Year!

We have confirmed camp dates for 2012!  We are still ironing out some details on costs for this summer.  Applications will be available ASAP.  But have everyone mark those dates down!
Senior High June 24-30
Junior High August 5-11
Sleep Away August 12-15
 A mailing with flyers for a lot of the upcoming events will be headed out in the next couple days.  Look for it!
Time is running out for applications to GCOYP!!!!
We could especially use female and minority applicants!
Province 2 of The Episcopal Church is looking for Western New York's best and brightest young people.  The application period is open right now (through Jan 15) for the General Convention Official Youth Presence (GCOYP).  It's a role that would put a young person in leadership at a whole new level.  We are looking for youth that are willing to work hard as a member of a team and represent not just WNY but the youth of our Province.
Check out the requirements and the nominating links HERE 

They would have to be available April 12-15 and July 5-12.  All of those dates, no exceptions.  Plus ALL EXPENSES ARE COVERED.  For both time periods and for everything other than pocket money.
If you can think of someone who would fit the description please talk with them and urge them to apply ASAP.
Contact me with any questions.

Coming up in January we have an overnight event for grades 6-12.  The Youth Overnight Event with Bishop Bill is January 20-21 at the Diocesan Ministry Center.  Cost is $10 per person.  The youth will be broken down into an older (HS) group and younger (MS) group for activities and their time with Bishop Franklin.  Each group will have it's own dedicated adult leadership as well.  Event starts at 7PM,

Registration needs to be done in advance and can be done by e-mail-
The overnight ends with Eucharist and we hope to be out the door at noon.  Hoping to see lots of youth there.  The Bishop is very excited about this event which follows in the footsteps of the Consecration Overnight.  He really enjoyed that time and is looking forward to having more time with the youth.
We handed out a lot of flyers for this event at Convention but I'm trying to get something else out in the next couple weeks.
Registration deadline is the Monday before the event.  January 16, 2012.
Online registration HERE
Password is the bishop's last name

The Bishop's Ball is February 11, 7 -10PM at the Diocesan Ministry Center.
Open to grades 7-12
Cost - $5 
The Bishop really enjoyed himself last year and is looking forward to spending some time with the youth again.