Monday, January 10, 2011

Events and Applications!

Lots of things to think about:

Episcopal Youth Event (EYE)
June 22-26, St. Paul Minnesota
We need to assemble the delegation that will represent our diocese this summer!  

There will be three very full days of  worship, sharing, praying, learning, singing, and working between the arrival and departure days.  Base price is $275 plus the cost of transportation.  We will travel as a diocesan group.  You need to get your application into the Diocesan Registrar (Jay Phillippi) as soon as possible.

Applications are now available HERE and you should get yours in right away.  There's LOTS of planning to do.  Adult applications are needed too for leaders.  You'll find them at the same link.

Bishop's Ball 2011
February 26, 7-10 PM
Diocesan Ministry Center
1064 Brighton Rd, Tonawanda NY
Admission $8

One more chance to party with Bishop Micheal at the premier social event of our year!  Plus we'll be in a brand new place celebrating the move to the new Diocesan Ministry Center.  If you haven't seen it this is a wonderful new location for us to get together and enjoy.  Bring your friends.  The dress code is formal and it is open to grades 7-12 and like minded adults.

Consecration weekend overnight
April 29-30
Diocesan Ministry Center

We're starting the planning sessions for this event and our hope is to have a great turn out of both Middle School/Junior High and High School students show up.  There will be seperate activity tracks for each age group.  

What we need right now are adults who are willing to help plan and pull off this event.  We are very excited about the prospect of meeting with our new bishop and the Presiding Bishop as well.  Please contact the event coordinator Wendy Schumacher at wschu79 (at) (substitute an @ for the (at))

Camp 2011

We're still finalizing the details but the online application is available for anyone who wants to jump right in.  Prices should about the same as last summer and the dates are pretty much the same as well.  You'll find all the details that we have so far on the CAMPS page at  All the forms are found HERE

Monday, January 3, 2011

Youth News 2011!

Happy New Year to everyone!

As I said last time I'm really excited about what's happening this year, so let's get started.

New web page design - Every third or fourth year the design of the website needs to be revisited and this was that time again.  The new design tightens up the organization of the information which will hopefully make it easier to to find (although we caught one goof right off the bat!).  There's more emphasis on video and media and you'll see that continue in the future.  The calendar has been moved to the front page and contains all event dates as they stand at this moment.  The countdown to camps have begun as well.  There is a lot to see!

Please head over to
and check it out.  All ideas and goof catches appreciated!

While you're there check out:
 On the "Events" page:

The Bishop's Ball 2011
February 26, at the Diocesan Ministry Center,
1064 Brighton Rd, Tonawanda
Admission is $8
7-10 PM
Open to grades 7-12
(and like minded adults)
The Episcopal Youth Event (EYE)
June 22-26, 2011,
on the campus of Bethel University St. Paul, MN.
Applications are now available on the Downloads page.
This is a great event that only happens every third year.
For High School aged youth.
Looking for some adult leadership too!

Plus Happening and Journeys too!

Check out the photos and videos on the Media page, all applications for camp and other events will be on the Downloads page as they come available,  great resources for youth and youth leaders and much much more!  Take some time to explore!


We're always looking for better ways of letting people know what's happening.  Texting has become a primary communication tool for our young people so we're adding a texting option in 2011.  We'll notify you of when camp applications are ready, new events, Youth Commission meetings and more.  Plus the texting service allows you text back to us with questions or more information!  If you'd like to be included just send me your phone number and I'll add you to the list.

Youth Commission
 Next meeting is January 16 at St. Patrick's Cheektowaga.
Meeting is from 2-5 PM.
Check past minutes, 3 year objectives and get directions on the Youth Commission page on the website.
New Diocesan Ministry Center

I got the chance to take a quick tour of the new Diocesan Center and Diocesan offices.  WOW!  The new facility is going to be a gorgeous new centerpiece for our life together.  It also offers some great opportunities for youth ministry too!

Main Hall at DMC - click for larger imageNew Entrance - click on image for larger version

The new "great hall" on the left (site of the 2011 Bishop's Ball!) and the new entrance being finished on the right.  Click on the photos and you should get a larger version.

EYouthWNY store has new items!
 A couple years ago we offered items with our EYouthWNY logo on them to raise funds for youth ministry.  The store is still open with lots of great items including two new ones!  Check out the new gym bag and a new stainless steel water bottle that is half the price of the old one (now under $15).  Got some Christmas cash burning a hole in your pocket?  Grab some EYouthWNY items.