Friday, February 25, 2011

The First Steps of the New Dance

Consecration Overnight with Bishop-elect Franklin, Bishop Garrison AND Presiding Bishop Jefferts-Schori!

Friday April 29 7 PM to Saturday April 30 at 9:30 AM 
Diocesan Ministry Center
Cost $5 per person
Open to youth in Middle School and High School
Youth and their parents will receive VIP tickets to the consecration on the 30th at UB 

(Download the permission slip and mail it to:
St. Patrick's Episcopal Church
Atten: Wendy Schumacher
1395 George Urban Blvd.
Cheektowaga, NY 14225
We're planning a fun event with separate programs for Middle School and High School.  We will work together on some projects and get a chance to meet with our incoming bishop and the Presiding Bishop as well.  Then in the morning we can go to the Consecration event (with families!) to watch this wonderful event in the life of our diocese.
It is very important that you sign up in advance to insure we reserve enough VIP tickets for youth and families.  If you have any questions email us at


Monday, February 14, 2011

Will you be my valentine?

So for those of us who celebrating Valentine's Day I hope you have a wonderful one.  Not everybody is a fan however.  Some people just find it shallow and fake.  Others find great pain when so much attention is focused on "people who are in love" if that's not where they find themselves at that moment.  It can be a bit much I'll grant you. 

For those who find the whole "Hearts and Flowers" stuff irritating/aggravating/painful I have this advice:  Forget about all the "stuff" that comes along with this day.  Remember that it is yet another opportunity to celebrate the love in our lives.  Even if we're the only one who loves us at the moment. That is, of course, never true.  God loves you.  Yep, you.  Right now.  Just the way you are.  No matter how messed up you may think you are God loves you and wants you to be the you He sees in His dreams. 

That's always been one of the hardest parts of the walk in faith for me.  The idea that God loves me despite how screwed up I am, that God loves me through how screwed up I am, that how screwed up I am doesn't deflect God's love for me so much as the width of a hair.  That doesn't mean he doesn't want to work on the screwed up parts.  He certainly does.  It means that while I'm working on those parts God is still there beside me helping me (if I'll let him)

So forget the stuff that hurts you or strikes you as phony.  Remember that you are always God's valentine and do something nice for yourself.)

Friday, February 11, 2011

Camp Applications are here!

Are you ready for camp?

I know I am!

Check out the camp page at EYouthWNY where you can now download a camp brochure with application or go directly to the online application.

Applications are being printed even as you read this and will be in the mail to families and congregations starting next week!

REMEMBER Waiting to the Last Minute Puts
Camps at Risk!   Send Your Application In
Right Away!

Monday, February 7, 2011

The Difference between "I Don't Like It" and "It Sucks"

I've been thinking about how often I hear people of all ages announce that something sucks.  When they say that what they mean is that it's without value, it's bad and no one should listen/watch/read/pay attention to it.

The problem is that more often than not they're wrong.  What they're so quick to dismiss is usually just not to their taste.  They don't like it.  For some reason we're less likely to say that, "I don't like that" and that puzzled me a little.  There are lots of things I don't like.  Opera for example.  I've been to an opera performed by quality professional singers.  That was 30 years ago.  I haven't gone back since.  I can recognize the quality of the music (in fact there is some music from operas I kind of like), the quality of the performance by the singers and the orchestra.  But I'd rather do a whole lot of other things rather than sit through another opera.

The problem with making the jump from "I Don't Like It" to "It Sucks" is that it says we've decided that our point of view, our taste in whatever is now the final word on the subject.  That's a rather astoundingly egotistic statement when you think about it.  Now there ARE experts out there in pretty much any subject.  If they want to tell me that something sucks then I guess they have a right. 

But what if I like it anyway?

I hate it when people try and inflict their point of view or taste on me and I bet you do too.  People who think you should only listen to THEIR favorite music and thinks yours is horrible/awful/stupid/cheesy/
whatever.  If they'd like to talk to me about the music or the movies or whatever that's fine.  They might even convince me to change my mind.  Maybe not but at least they'd treat me with a little respect.  In the end, even if we still disagree, at least we know a little more about each other. 

This really comes down to the Golden Rule (the great thing about our faith is that there are really only a couple rules and they're all simple) - Treat people the way you want to be treated.  If you love Taylor Swift and your friend loves screamo death metal then treat their music with the same respect you'd like them to treat Taylor Swift's latest.  They love all the Pirates of the Caribbean movies and you hate them?  Love the Buffalo Bills or hate all sports?  Treat them the way you want to be treated.

That means to care for them, respect them and agree to disagree.

Any other way of life just, well, sucks.
