Friday, July 6, 2012

General Convention Day Two

Well I told you that the days would get busier.  My step total for Thursday was 12,300+ so just over 6 miles!  The hotels  surrounding the Convention Center here are all connected to one another and the Center as well.  That is very convenient to avoid going outside into the 100 degree heat.  Even the locals agree this is really hot weather.  The problem is that what’s created is the world’s largest gerbil cage.  So I spent most of yesterday trying to get the map of the areas where we will spend most of our time.  Fortunately the youth have been here several days longer than I have and already know their way around. 
Ah the young people!  Every GCOYP I’ve worked with have been great and these young people fit in beautifully.  They spent the first day testifying at a variety of committees and have gotten lots and lots of rave reviews.  If you follow Twitter check out the hashtag #GC77.  There have been lots of chatter every time some member of the OYP speaks.  Part of what I do here is to help them with their testimony and comments.  My job is not to shape their thoughts but to help them make sure that they have stated their ideas clearly.  So they write their speeches out, bring them back to the adults sitting in the visitor’s gallery and we go over them quickly.  Very often there is very little time for that review so we are forced to speed read.  Usually the hardest part is reading the handwriting because they’ve written very quickly.  In whatever small way I’ve been able to help the GCOYP has done wonderfully.
Quick note on Lis Engle from St Matthias who is a member of the GCOYP – She is doing a great job and has taken particular interest in legislation centered on smaller congregations.  If you know Lis then you’ll be familiar with her bright smile and energetic personality.  She is representing herself, her parish, her diocese and province very, very well.
The day itself was pretty straight forward divided between legislative sessions and committee meetings.  This means I tag along and sit in the gallery while they do whatever they need to do.
Lunch was fun.  Bp. Stacey Sauls the Chief Operating Officer of TEC joined us in the suite that we use as our meeting space.  Bp. Stacey is very personable and answered any all questions the young people had.  Mostly it was concerned with budget issues which is probably the biggest controversy facing the Convention this year.  There are other issues that will generate their own heat but nothing compares with the budget.  It was a great time and wonderful that the bishop was willing to take time out of a very busy time to be with us.
The meetings went on into the evening.  The good news is that we managed to wrap up a little earlier so I was back in my room just before 11 PM.  Even better I wasn’t needed to be an early riser the next day so I had a nice long sleep period available.
And we all know that’s a good thing.  Tomorrow I finally visit the Exhibition Hall!!

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