Wow. Can't believe that Senior High is over again. What a great week. If you want to see what you missed check out the Senior High 2010 posts at the EYouthWNY blog. I should have photos posted by the end of the week. The official Conference photo is already up at the Facebook page. It was a great week as always.
Now I need a little help for Junior High. We are just 1 or 2 people short of having Junior High camp this summer. We are SOOOOO close! Please talk with younger brothers and sisters, kids you know at church, your priest, your youth group or Sunday school teachers about getting kids in that age signed up. It's open to young people going into 7th through 9th grades in the fall. We are planning a multi-day service project and several other new things this year. Of all our camps this one has struggled the most so please do what you can to help out. If you're in that age bracket, please make us part of your summer plans. We have a GREAT time and you'll make some new friends.
If anyone has questions (youth, parents, adults, clergy) you can get in touch with me. All my contact info is at the bottom of the newsletter.

Follow us on our Facebook page! Click on the logo!
Other Events on the Calendar
Now I need a little help for Junior High. We are just 1 or 2 people short of having Junior High camp this summer. We are SOOOOO close! Please talk with younger brothers and sisters, kids you know at church, your priest, your youth group or Sunday school teachers about getting kids in that age signed up. It's open to young people going into 7th through 9th grades in the fall. We are planning a multi-day service project and several other new things this year. Of all our camps this one has struggled the most so please do what you can to help out. If you're in that age bracket, please make us part of your summer plans. We have a GREAT time and you'll make some new friends.
If anyone has questions (youth, parents, adults, clergy) you can get in touch with me. All my contact info is at the bottom of the newsletter.

Follow us on our Facebook page! Click on the logo!
Other Events on the Calendar
Youth Commission -
The next meeting of the Commission will be in September.
September 19, 1 PM at St. Patrick's Cheektowaga
Youth Commission encourages all young people in Middle and High School to attend our monthly meetings
September 19, 1 PM at St. Patrick's Cheektowaga
Youth Commission encourages all young people in Middle and High School to attend our monthly meetings
Happening #27 -
November 12-14, Camp Pioneer, Angola
Applications are available on the website (HERE)
Applications are available on the website (HERE)
Camp Dates -
Senior High - June 27 - July 3
Junior High - August 8-14
Sleep Away - August 18-21
Junior High - August 8-14
Sleep Away - August 18-21
Check for camp applications HERE
Check the Youth Ministry calendar for the most up to date dates!
""Now Naaman was commander of the army of the king of Aram. He was a great man in the sight of his master and highly regarded, because through him the LORD had given victory to Aram. He was a valiant soldier, but he had leprosy." (2 Kings 5:1)
We're dropping in on the story of Israel at a time when God's people had been conquered by their enemies once again. They had not remained faithful to God, and Naaman was part of the military that had defeated Israel.
Naaman was a success story. In his day, the only way you could hope to make a name for yourself (unless you were royalty) was to rise up the ranks of the military. He had done that. He reported to the king of Aram. And even though he fought against Israel, God had used Naaman to bring victory to Aram. A successful leader, highly respected, at the top of his game.
One problem: He was dying. He had leprosy, a disease still in the world today though much less common. There was no cure. Your skin would start turning grey/white and then begin to flake off until it ate away at your whole body. All the success in the world -- even being used by God -- didn't keep him from getting this ugly disease.
Think: What's the point of working hard to be successful if it can all be taken away in a moment . . . when you're just going to die anyway? Why do bad things happen to good people (and good things happen to bad ones)?
Pray: Ask God to give you insight into your own life this week through the story of Naaman. What are the things that seem unfair in your own life?
Do: Make a list of the hard things in your life and one of the blessings. Sometimes it seems like the hard things list is longer than the blessings because we take the blessings for granted. Think of ALL the good things in your life (for example you live in a time when leprosy can be successfully treated!). Remember to focus on being thankful for those blessings.
A Daily Devotional from, copyright 2010 Youth Specialties. Used by permission.
Facts, Quotes and Shots
FORGETTABLE FACT The United States has never lost a war when donkeys were used.
Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.
~ Martin Luther King, Jr.
Our talents are the gift that God gives to us... What we make of our talents is our gift back to God.
~ Leo Buscaglia
If you are an average American, in your whole life, you will spend an average of 6 months waiting at red lights. (That's ALL?!?!?!? Seems like more to me)
EYouthWNY store
This is a way for us to show everyone our involvement in our church and to help support all the youth ministries. The money raised by the stuff at our store is used by Youth Commission to help make camps, and Happening, and mission trips and the Bishop's Ball a little bit better. If you haven't checked out what's available recently please do.
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