We're headed into the New Year and there is something very special that you might be able to do in 2012. General Convention (GC) is the "business meeting" of the entire Episcopal church. It's an amazing and important event. And every time it meets (every three years) there is a group of youth there to be the voice of the younger generation to the church. That group is called the General Convention Official Youth Presence (GCOYP). It's made up of 2 high school aged young people (age 16 or older) from each Province. Province 2 (that's our province) is searching for the young people to represent us at GC. Please consider applying. You can apply online HERE through January 15 (scroll down to the paragraph that starts "Each applicant must complete..."). You must be able to commit to all the days of a 4 day training session April 12-15 and General Convention July 5-12. ALL EXPENSES ARE COVERED FOR BOTH THE TRAINING AND THE CONVENTION. And that means ALL of your expenses, travel, food, room, fees and materials. Please read through the information and think about applying. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me.
Monday, December 19, 2011
Thursday, December 1, 2011
General Convention Official Youth Presence
Every three years at the General Convention of The Episcopal Church there are 18 high school aged youth who are given voice and vote in the House of Deputies. They are called the General Convention Official Youth Presence (GCOYP sometimes shortened to just OYP). GCOYP was created as a way to insure that the voice of the younger generation of the church is heard at its highest council. The process to select the two from our province (Province 2) gets underway today. Here's what we're looking for:
- A high school aged young person who has demonstrated leadership abilities
- Who can work with both youth and adults
- Who can work in a disciplined environment. GCOYP work from around 7 AM till 11 PM every day during General Convention (dates below)
- Who can commit to all training dates (April 12-15) and all of General Convention (July 5-12)
- Who is comfortable communicating verbally and in writing
- Who is prepared to move to the next level of leadership in our denomination.
ALL Expenses are covered by the budget of the Youth Ministry office of The Episcopal Church. This includes transportation, housing, food and reasonable incidentals. The chosen youth and their families bear no financial burden what so ever for being involved. This includes both training and GC.
Each youth will need a non-family member adult recommendation. Adult can also nominate a young person. Please remember that only 2 (a total of 2) youth will be chosen from the province. So you will be up against young people from Rochester, Central New York, Albany, New York, Long Island, Newark, New Jersey, Haiti, The Virgin Islands and the American Churches in Europe. It was just two GC's ago that a young person from WNY was selected (Samantha Cutlip). So please carefully consider if this might be something you are called to or that you believe a young person from our diocese might be gifted to serve.
The application window is Dec 1 2011 - January 15, 2012.
Go HERE for youth application
Go HERE for a nomination by an adult
If you have any questions please get in touch with me ASAP!
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
EYE Videos and the Overnight with the Bishop!
Sorry for the pause in updating. As you probably know I've been on the road a LOT in the last month. Couple key things to share:
If you went to EYE11 (Episcopal Youth Event 2011 in St Paul Minnesota) or if you'd like to get a better feel for what it felt like check out EYE Portal. This will take you to the video page but you can jump to the other pages from there as well.
Check out this video about the Habitat for Humanity house that EYE helped build:
And details for the Overnight with Bishop Franklin:
If you went to EYE11 (Episcopal Youth Event 2011 in St Paul Minnesota) or if you'd like to get a better feel for what it felt like check out EYE Portal. This will take you to the video page but you can jump to the other pages from there as well.
Check out this video about the Habitat for Humanity house that EYE helped build:
And details for the Overnight with Bishop Franklin:
Overnight with the Bishop!
January 20-21
Diocesan Ministry Center
Starting at 7 PM
Cost is $10
Open to all youth grades 6-12
Email to register:
Monday, September 12, 2011
September 12 Newsletter
We are really underway! And that means LOTS of things for you to do. So let's see what's up:
Our first Youth Commission meeting is coming up on Sunday September 18 at 2 PM at St. Patrick's Cheektowaga. Lots of things to deal with as always but we will need to elect a new youth co-chair! If you are high school age and would like to step into an important leadership role then we need you! It would be best if you are at the meeting (although if you can't make this particular meeting we'll understand. You will need to be able to attend most/all future meetings) but at least let me know if you would like your name put in the conversation.
Got this note from the folks at DCC:
Everybody loves pizza... right????
Well, DCC needs you to eat Pizza, Wings, Pasta, Breadsticks... on Monday, September 26th at Pizza Hut! DCC is teaming up with Pizza Hut to support the youth and family camping programs at the Dunkirk Camp and Conference Center.
All you need to do is download and print out the ticket (attached or on our website www.dunkirkcc.com) and present it when you pay. You can eat in, carry out, or get delivery.
Pizza Hut will donate 20% of your purchases on the “Fun”draiser Night to DCC!!!!
Please pass out these tickets to all your friends and family. Imagine... enjoying your yummy dinner can help raise needed funds for DCC."
I have also uploaded the tickets so can download them by clicking on the names above.
In the meantime there are two great programs lined up for this fall. Make sure you get your application and get it in to the appropriate places ASAP:
Journeys #2 - Journeys is for middle school aged kids. It's a weekend retreat that is designed to be fun! This was designed by people, including youth, from right here in our diocese. The weekend is September 23-25 at St Lukes in Jamestown. The team is very excited about this weekend and looks forward to seeing you there!
Happening #28 is a go at this moment! We are looking for candidates right now. This is a retreat weekend for high school aged youth. The weekend is November 4-6 at Camp Pioneer in Angola. It's a great weekend where you will make some great friends.
After some problems making the links work we have photos up from all three camps this summer. Check them out on our blog, our Facebook page, on the EYouthWNY website or you could just use these links:
Youth Commission reminder!
Our first Youth Commission meeting is coming up on Sunday September 18 at 2 PM at St. Patrick's Cheektowaga. Lots of things to deal with as always but we will need to elect a new youth co-chair! If you are high school age and would like to step into an important leadership role then we need you! It would be best if you are at the meeting (although if you can't make this particular meeting we'll understand. You will need to be able to attend most/all future meetings) but at least let me know if you would like your name put in the conversation.
Support one of our camp partners -
Dunkirk Conference Center!
Got this note from the folks at DCC:
Everybody loves pizza... right????
Well, DCC needs you to eat Pizza, Wings, Pasta, Breadsticks... on Monday, September 26th at Pizza Hut! DCC is teaming up with Pizza Hut to support the youth and family camping programs at the Dunkirk Camp and Conference Center.
All you need to do is download and print out the ticket (attached or on our website www.dunkirkcc.com) and present it when you pay. You can eat in, carry out, or get delivery.
Pizza Hut will donate 20% of your purchases on the “Fun”draiser Night to DCC!!!!
Three local Pizza Huts are participating...
...be sure you print and take the correct ticket. Please pass out these tickets to all your friends and family. Imagine... enjoying your yummy dinner can help raise needed funds for DCC."
I have also uploaded the tickets so can download them by clicking on the names above.
In the meantime there are two great programs lined up for this fall. Make sure you get your application and get it in to the appropriate places ASAP:
Journeys #2 - Journeys is for middle school aged kids. It's a weekend retreat that is designed to be fun! This was designed by people, including youth, from right here in our diocese. The weekend is September 23-25 at St Lukes in Jamestown. The team is very excited about this weekend and looks forward to seeing you there!
Journeys Applications HERE
Happening #28 is a go at this moment! We are looking for candidates right now. This is a retreat weekend for high school aged youth. The weekend is November 4-6 at Camp Pioneer in Angola. It's a great weekend where you will make some great friends.
Happening #28 Applications HERE
After some problems making the links work we have photos up from all three camps this summer. Check them out on our blog, our Facebook page, on the EYouthWNY website or you could just use these links:
Monday, September 5, 2011
Think About this!
No newsletters today but with school getting underway for everyone this week I thought this was interesting. If you are a member of the graduating class of 2015 see if this is true for you!
Each August since 1998, Beloit College has released the Beloit College Mindset List, providing a look at the cultural touchstones that shape the lives of students entering college this fall. Each year Mikey's Funnies loves to share it with you:
Andre the Giant, River Phoenix, Frank Zappa, Arthur Ashe and the Commodore 64 have always been dead. Their classmates could include Taylor Momsen, Angus Jones, Howard Stern's daughter Ashley, and the Dilley Sextuplets.
1. There has always been an Internet ramp onto the information highway.
2. Ferris Bueller and Sloane Peterson could be their parents.
3. States and Velcro parents have always been requiring that they wear their bike helmets.
4. The only significant labor disputes in their lifetimes have been in major league sports.
5. There have always been at least two women on the Supreme Court, and women have always commanded U.S. Navy ships.
6. They "swipe" cards, not merchandise.
7. As they've grown up on websites and cell phones, adult experts have constantly fretted about their alleged deficits of empathy and concentration.
8. Their school's "blackboards" have always been getting smarter.
9. "Don't touch that dial!"...what dial?
10. American tax forms have always been available in Spanish.
11. More Americans have always traveled to Latin America than to Europe.
12. Amazon has never been just a river in South America.
13. Refer to LBJ, and they might assume you're talking about LeBron James.
14. All their lives, Whitney Houston has always been declaring "I Will Always Love You."
15. O.J. Simpson has always been looking for the killers of Nicole Simpson and Ronald Goldman.
16. Women have never been too old to have children.
17. Japan has always been importing rice.
18. Jim Carrey has always been bigger than a pet detective.
19. We have never asked, and they have never had to tell.
20. Life has always been like a box of chocolates.
21. They've always gone to school with Mohammed and Jesus.
22. John Wayne Bobbitt has always slept with one eye open.
23. There has never been an official Communist Party in Russia.
24. "Yadda, yadda, yadda" has always come in handy to make long stories short.
25. Video games have always had ratings.
26. Chicken soup has always been soul food.
27. The Rocky Horror Picture Show has always been available on TV.
28. Jimmy Carter has always been a smiling elderly man who shows up on TV to promote fair elections and disaster relief.
29. Arnold Palmer has always been a drink.
30. Dial-up is soooooooooo last century!
31. Women have always been kissing women on television.
32. Their older siblings have told them about the days when Britney Spears, Justin Timberlake and Christina Aguilera were Mouseketeers.
33. Faux Christmas trees have always outsold real ones.
34. They've always been able to dismiss boring old ideas with "been there, done that, gotten the T-shirt."
35. The bloody conflict between the government and a religious cult has always made Waco sound a little whacko.
36. Unlike their older siblings, they spent bedtime on their backs until they learned to roll over.
37. Music has always been available via free downloads.
38. Grown-ups have always been arguing about health care policy.
39. Moderate amounts of red wine and baby aspirin have always been thought good for the heart.
40. Sears has never sold anything out of a Big Book that could also serve as a doorstop.
41. The United States has always been shedding fur.
42. Electric cars have always been humming in relative silence on the road.
43. No longer known for just gambling and quickie divorces, Nevada has always been one of the fastest growing states in the Union.
44. They're the first generation to grow up hearing about the dangerous overuse of antibiotics.
45. They pressured their parents to take them to Taco Bell or Burger King to get free pogs.
46. Russian courts have always had juries.
47. No state has ever failed to observe Martin Luther King Day.
48. While they've been playing outside, their parents have always worried about nasty new bugs borne by birds and mosquitoes.
49. Public schools have always made space available for advertising.
50. Some of them have been inspired to actually cook by watching the Food Channel.
51. Fidel Castro's daughter and granddaughter have always lived in the United States.
52. Their parents have always been able to create a will and other legal documents online.
53. Charter schools have always been an alternative.
54. They've grown up with George Stephanopoulos as the Dick Clark of political analysts.
55. New kids have always been known as NKOTB.
56. They've always wanted to be like Shaq or Kobe: Michael Who?
57. They've often broken up with their significant others via texting, Facebook, or MySpace.
58. Their parents sort of remember Woolworths as this store that used to be downtown.
59. Kim Jong-il has always been bluffing, but the West has always had to take him seriously.
60. Frasier, Sam, Woody and Rebecca have never Cheerfully frequented a bar in Boston during primetime.
61. Major League Baseball has never had fewer than three divisions and never lacked a wild card entry in the playoffs.
62. Nurses have always been in short supply.
63. They won't go near a retailer that lacks a website.
64. Altar girls have never been a big deal.
65. When they were 3, their parents may have battled other parents in toy stores to buy them a Tickle Me Elmo while they lasted.
66. It seems the United States has always been looking for an acceptable means of capital execution.
67. Folks in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City have always been able to energize with Pepsi Cola.
68. Andy Warhol is a museum in Pittsburgh.
69. They've grown up hearing about suspiciously vanishing frogs.
70. They've always had the privilege of talking with a chatterbot.
71. Refugees and prisoners have always been housed by the U.S. government at Guantanamo.
72. Women have always been Venusians; men, Martians.
73. McDonalds coffee has always been just a little too hot to handle.
74. "PC" has come to mean Personal Computer, not Political Correctness.
75. The New York Times and the Boston Globe have never been rival newspapers.
Copyright 2011 Beloit College. Mindset List is a registered trademark
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Camp Photo albums are up!
Trying to get caught up and get our media posted from this summer. So far I've got photo albums for each of our camps. Check them out below. More photos and videos over the next couple weeks!
Senior High Conference
Junior High Camp
Sleep Away Camp
Monday, August 1, 2011
Newsletter August 1
Some interesting things going on. In order to be more transparent and help people stay informed and involved we will be posting Happening Board minutes just like we've been doing with Youth Commission minutes for many years now. (You can find the Youth Commission minutes on the Youth Commission page at www.eyouthwny.org. Happening minutes will be posted on the Happening page very soon).
In the meantime we are in need of a nurse for Sleep Away camp. If you have any ideas please contact me.
Plus coming up:
"The Western New York Happening Board is excited to announce the Second Meeting of Blue Ribbon Commission! This is an opportunity for teens and young adults who have participated in the Happening ministry to come together in order to take a fresh look at the ministry and set new goals to achieve as we begin a new journey with Bishop Franklin.
This youth ministry offers a life changing event to all teens, from other teens in the diocese. The weekend experience is only the first step in a spiritual walk that will last throughout our lifetime! All present Happening Youth are invited to define the next phase of Happening experiences for upcoming teens in Western New York.
The entire faith community benefits from youth being engaged spiritually, and growing in their walk with the Lord!
Come join us on Saturday August 13, 2011 at the new Ministry Center for the Western New York Episcopal Diocese, located at 1064 Brighton Road Tonawanda, NY 14150. We will tour the new facility and meet from 10:00am - 2:30pm. All participants are asked to bring a snack to share and $3 so that lunch can be provided.
Contact Giselle Jackman, Happening Board Chair at g_jackman@hotmail.com or the Happening Spiritual Advisor, Rev. Harry Grace at (716) 875-8374 for more information.
Monday, July 25, 2011
A Retreat for Adults Working with Adults
Adult Youth Leaders Retreat
Tuesday, September 27 to Friday, September 30
Led by Jennifer Gamber and Fran McKendree
(I spent part of my sabbatical last year at Holy Cross Monastery. It is an amazing place and this retreat is led by a couple of really wonderful folks)For the past four years, youth ministers from across the country for a time of worship, prayer, study, and fellowship within the sacred rhythm of the Benedictine monastic community at Holy Cross. This year, we will explore our baptismal waters made alive with the current of God’s blessings. To what unexpected places have we been taken? What blessings have we poured into the lives of others? How have these blessings washed back on our shores seeking to be gathered and given out again?
In the morning, we will gather in song and begin our program together with study, sharing and reflection. In the afternoon, participants can choose among several options including personal reflection, praying the labyrinth, walking, and time for rest. Each evening, we engage in a guided meditation that participants can bring back to the youth at their churches.
Singer/songwriter Fran McKendree leads the group in song throughout the day and into the evening. This retreat offers a time of restoration and contemplation for youth ministers who seek to fill their wells in preparation to feed the souls of the teens they serve. Come be refreshed by God’s living water on the banks of the Hudson River.
Fee: $320, Deposit: $80
Monday, July 11, 2011
After a busy time!
Back in the office after three weeks away (EYE, Senior High and VACATION!). We are working towards Junior High and Sleep Away camps. Junior High looks OK but we could really use some more slots filled at Sleep Away. Don't forget you can register online at WWW.EYouthWNY.org. Just go to the Camps page and you'll find everything you need.
Also important to note that my cell phone number is changing. The old number 432 1946 will go off line in the very near future. The new number is 320 0733 (area code 716 ). You can use it starting immediately for phone and texts.
I will be bouncing around this week quite a bit. I'll be in Buffalo twice this week (Tu and Th) so that new phone number will be important!
Also important to note that my cell phone number is changing. The old number 432 1946 will go off line in the very near future. The new number is 320 0733 (area code 716 ). You can use it starting immediately for phone and texts.
I will be bouncing around this week quite a bit. I'll be in Buffalo twice this week (Tu and Th) so that new phone number will be important!
Friday, July 1, 2011
Senior High Conference Day Five
Last day of our program here at LCLC. It has gone wonderfully well and the camp has been a wonderful place for us. So I was very happy when it was agreed to continue our relationship! We WILL be back at LCLC for Senior High Conference in 2012 this same week (June 24-30)! Get that date on your calendars today.
It was a sad day too because we had several more members of our community have to go home. Sarah V departed on Wednesday so she could attend a gymnastics competition. Today Kelsey left just before lunch, then Sasynda left after lunch and we said goodbye to Mother Ellen and our music leader Chuck in the afternoon. It was a rather quiet afternoon and evening here. To ease our pain from the departure of our friends we all went sailing!
Later in the day we completed the traditions of Senior High Conference with a special event. Jello Snarfing. This is an annual and quite messy tradition that involves eating bowls of Jello just as quickly as you can without touching them. This involves a coach who moves the bowls into range. Our champion this year was Seth G who consumed three bowls in just 28 seconds. The resident LCLC Lutheran champion was available and a challenge was issued. He begged off claiming he had to do some worship leadership for the camp staff. We have extended the challenge to next summer.
Our day wound down quietly as per usual and we'll get up tomorrow, grab breakfast, pack and then quite reluctantly say good bye. It's been a great week and everyone is excited about coming back next year. There are still more things to explore here at LCLC that we didn't get around to.
See you in 2011!
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Senior High Conference Day Four!
After a very windy, cloudy and chilly Wednesday we got all the beauty of Lake Chautauqua and LCLC lined up for us today! The day could not have been more beautiful. This is looking down the hill past St. John's Dining Hall where we eat all our meals. Directly across the lake from us is Chautauqua Institution and in moments of stillness you can hear the Miller Bell Tower chime.
On the teaching side it was Team Brauza - Liz and Mother Ellen will do the teaching for the end of the week. Liz is leading another "real life" exercise, this year it's a food pantry simulation. The youth are given "families" of various sizes and with various circumstances and have to figure out how to feed and clothe those family members. Inevitably one of the conference members will ask if life is really like this. To which, sadly, we have to say "No, it's actually a lot HARDER than this".
Meanwhile Mother Ellen is leading the class on issues of sex and sexuality out under the trees where it is traditionally held. This year LCLC offers more than the usual number of places for class. This is a great little circle of chairs in the grove just outside our front door.
Of course Thursday night is the Dance Night. And as usual some very impressive threads were brought out for the event. I'm not sure LCLC is used to having things rock out quite that much but a great time was had by all.
EYE coverage from Episcopal News Service
Episcopal Youth enriched and empowered for mission
Great story by Joe Bjordal (who was there virtually the entire time) from Episcopal News Service (ENS) about EYE
That's Bishop Brian Prior of the Episcopal Church in Minnesota (do NOT say Diocese of..., trust me on that) doing a blessing of the Habitat for Humanity house that EYE helped to build. It's designed to have a minimal carbon foot print and in fact should generate more electricity than it uses. Yes, that's also a bagpiper up there too. All of EYE was supposed to be there for the blessing but we had to cross a road to get from the campus to the work site. The local authorities said that when 1,000 people cross a road it's a parade which require permits and two weeks notice. So only the bishops and two youth reps from each diocese were there. The rest of us saw it on video delay.
Great story by Joe Bjordal (who was there virtually the entire time) from Episcopal News Service (ENS) about EYE
That's Bishop Brian Prior of the Episcopal Church in Minnesota (do NOT say Diocese of..., trust me on that) doing a blessing of the Habitat for Humanity house that EYE helped to build. It's designed to have a minimal carbon foot print and in fact should generate more electricity than it uses. Yes, that's also a bagpiper up there too. All of EYE was supposed to be there for the blessing but we had to cross a road to get from the campus to the work site. The local authorities said that when 1,000 people cross a road it's a parade which require permits and two weeks notice. So only the bishops and two youth reps from each diocese were there. The rest of us saw it on video delay.
Senior High Conference Videos
Kelsey gives us lesson in torch singing. What a performance! (Talent Show 2011)
Sarah does a great job with her dance routine.
(Talent Show 2011)
Worship time at Senior High (and yes, the audio is low)
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Senior High Conference Day Three!
Today was a slightly different day from our routine. A couple years ago we added a service project aspect to the program. So none of our usual class time. Bishop Bill had to turn into Bishop Franklin to go back to the "real world". He led a special morning worship and thanked the conference for their time and energy and input. He appears to have had a great time and is talking about coming back for as long as possible starting next year.
We did have our time with the chaplain, Father Ethan. It was a little tough this morning because the conference has hit the mid-week doldrums. We had so much fun the last couple days our tails were dragging this morning. But Fr. Ethan did a great job talking about covenants this morning.
One of the traditions of the conference over the last five or six years has been rubber duckies at the Kinda Sorta Beach party. This year, in line with our theme of "A New Thing" we got baby rubber ducks! Bishop Bill got the first of what we hope is many, many duckies. We also gave one to Lee Lindeman the director here at Lake Chautauqua Lutheran Center as a thank you for the great reception we've gotten this summer.
The big portion of our day was spent at St. Lukes in Jamestown. We helped them clean out their boiler room, re-organize part of their youth rooms upstairs at the parish house, move some pews in the chancel, and pull some weeds around the Thrift Shop as well. Then Fr. Eric Williams from St Luke's took the conference out for some coffee and smoothies at a local coffee shop across the street from the church. We worked hard and had a good time!
Tonight is a presentation from Youth Commission, then the Talent Show. Then I think we'll all be ready for bed!
I'll try and get some video up tomorrow!
We did have our time with the chaplain, Father Ethan. It was a little tough this morning because the conference has hit the mid-week doldrums. We had so much fun the last couple days our tails were dragging this morning. But Fr. Ethan did a great job talking about covenants this morning.
One of the traditions of the conference over the last five or six years has been rubber duckies at the Kinda Sorta Beach party. This year, in line with our theme of "A New Thing" we got baby rubber ducks! Bishop Bill got the first of what we hope is many, many duckies. We also gave one to Lee Lindeman the director here at Lake Chautauqua Lutheran Center as a thank you for the great reception we've gotten this summer.
The big portion of our day was spent at St. Lukes in Jamestown. We helped them clean out their boiler room, re-organize part of their youth rooms upstairs at the parish house, move some pews in the chancel, and pull some weeds around the Thrift Shop as well. Then Fr. Eric Williams from St Luke's took the conference out for some coffee and smoothies at a local coffee shop across the street from the church. We worked hard and had a good time!
Tonight is a presentation from Youth Commission, then the Talent Show. Then I think we'll all be ready for bed!
Matthew and Quinn doing a comedy piece |
Kelsey and Jeff duet |
August with a tune he wrote himself |
Senior High Conference Day Two
Got off to a worrisome start with clouds and cool temperatures. Then it got worse when it started to rain. However during worship we were singing about the shining sun and whaddya know? Out came the sun!
Of course class time is a big part of our routine at Senior High. Casual, relaxed times with the teaching staff discussing a wide variety of topics. This summer is our first with Bishop Bill (sadly this whole bishop thing is dragging him away from camp after only 2 1/2 days). He opened his first class time by learning more about the recently ended EYE (Episcopal Youth Event). If you haven't heard yet the EYE delegation had enormous adventures when severe weather re-routed their flights both to and from Minnesota. The trip out took 29 hours and involved stops in 5 airports. Bishop has never been to an EYE and was very interested in the experience.
In today's class he spoke with the conference about the issue of the state of New York recently passing a Marriage Equality bill. This is the first of a series of meetings on his schedule this week that will bring the input from a diverse group of people from our diocese. He then segued the conversation into a larger discussion of the role and duties of a bishop. Along the way he talked about the symbols of the office and gave the conference a chance to see his pectoral cross, miter, episcopal ring and crozier up close.
While it was very calm in our protected little portion of LCLC (the retreat center is surrounded by trees) the wind was pretty ferocious today so sailing was called off. We did get some swimming in. You can see what a beautiful day it was on Lake Chautauqua and kind of see the big waves the wind was creating. The water was comfortable once you got in.
Our evening activity was the "Kinda-Sorta Beach Party". We played music, had a game of Apples to Apples that included almost the entire conference and then sang songs and told ghost stories around the campfire. We even decided to do Compline (from memory!) at the campfire too. It was a great end to a great day.
Of course class time is a big part of our routine at Senior High. Casual, relaxed times with the teaching staff discussing a wide variety of topics. This summer is our first with Bishop Bill (sadly this whole bishop thing is dragging him away from camp after only 2 1/2 days). He opened his first class time by learning more about the recently ended EYE (Episcopal Youth Event). If you haven't heard yet the EYE delegation had enormous adventures when severe weather re-routed their flights both to and from Minnesota. The trip out took 29 hours and involved stops in 5 airports. Bishop has never been to an EYE and was very interested in the experience.
In today's class he spoke with the conference about the issue of the state of New York recently passing a Marriage Equality bill. This is the first of a series of meetings on his schedule this week that will bring the input from a diverse group of people from our diocese. He then segued the conversation into a larger discussion of the role and duties of a bishop. Along the way he talked about the symbols of the office and gave the conference a chance to see his pectoral cross, miter, episcopal ring and crozier up close.
While it was very calm in our protected little portion of LCLC (the retreat center is surrounded by trees) the wind was pretty ferocious today so sailing was called off. We did get some swimming in. You can see what a beautiful day it was on Lake Chautauqua and kind of see the big waves the wind was creating. The water was comfortable once you got in.
Our evening activity was the "Kinda-Sorta Beach Party". We played music, had a game of Apples to Apples that included almost the entire conference and then sang songs and told ghost stories around the campfire. We even decided to do Compline (from memory!) at the campfire too. It was a great end to a great day.
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Senior High Conference Day One
We had a great first full day! Father Ethan Cole is our chaplain and is leading us through our theme "A New Thing" and our worship schedule as well (morning prayer, midday Eucharist and Compline). Our classes on Monday and Tuesday are with Father John Paul Boyer and Bishop Franklin.
Lots of frisbee being played, KanJam, Ladder ball. We went sailing yesterday too! Turns out a lot of the conference wanted to be on boats so we had two catamarans on the water and a bunch of kayaks as well. A good time was had by all, including Bishop Bill. The more distant sail seen in the photo at right has him on it.
Our music leader Chuck Basil is working with the youth to on the music and they brought him one that they love. So here they are working on an arrangement for piano and four guitars.
Lots of frisbee being played, KanJam, Ladder ball. We went sailing yesterday too! Turns out a lot of the conference wanted to be on boats so we had two catamarans on the water and a bunch of kayaks as well. A good time was had by all, including Bishop Bill. The more distant sail seen in the photo at right has him on it.
Our music leader Chuck Basil is working with the youth to on the music and they brought him one that they love. So here they are working on an arrangement for piano and four guitars.
We ended the day with a little excitement as a bat came to join us but that was resolved very quickly and we all fell asleep.
More to come!
Monday, June 13, 2011
Newsletter June 13 - Father's Day Edition
Well I'm happy to say we are moving ahead with Senior High Conference this year. It was a very near thing but we made the number. We can still take a few last minute applications but I strongly recommend that you use the online registration form. I will be away all next week and won't see any that are mailed in. So let me know this week and get those registrations in today! The online form is found HERE
Now something with Father's Day in mind.
Now something with Father's Day in mind.
"Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger by the way you treat them. Rather, bring them up with the discipline and instruction that comes from the Lord." (Ephesians 6:4)
It's Father's Day week and time for a quick thought about fathers.
There's this idealized vision that society has about fathers. Smart, good looking, always there to help out or to offer wise advice. I'm sure there are a few of them out there somewhere. As a father myself I know just how hard it is to try and be that perfect father. It's hard enough just trying to be a not TOO imperfect father.
And I know that some fathers just don't make the grade at all. That's reality.
So where does that leave us? It leaves us with imperfect fathers. But then they had imperfect children too. Expecting perfection in each other is a sure way to be disappointed.
The quotation above I think is a good one for everyone to think about this week. Fathers shouldn't provoke their children by being unreasonable, cruel or insensitive. Likewise children shouldn't provoke their fathers by being ill behaved, rude or insensitive.
I lost my father 11 years ago. We did not always see eye to eye and there were times when I was a teen that I pretty thoroughly disliked him. In the end I discovered that he had done the best he could and I came to appreciate him. Flaws and all.
And I miss him. A whole, whole lot.
Think: Does your father provoke you to anger? Do you provoke him? How often could you really avoid provoking one another if you tried?
Pray: Ask God to help you better understand your father. Ask your father if he would pray with you.
Do: Take a minute to write down the things you like and admire about your dad. Think about them at those moments when he's being annoying. See if you can nurture his good points in your own life.
Pray: Ask God to help you better understand your father. Ask your father if he would pray with you.
Do: Take a minute to write down the things you like and admire about your dad. Think about them at those moments when he's being annoying. See if you can nurture his good points in your own life.
Monday, June 6, 2011
Senior High is In Danger!!!!
Once again we find ourselves in panic mode just weeks before a camp.
I can't imagine anyone enjoys this, I know I don't.
I'm a big an of camp. It was pivotal in my own journey of faith when I was a teen. I want to make sure we offer that same kind of formational opportunity to the young people of this diocese.
But here's the reality - Unless we get about 6 more people signed up Senior High Conference is in danger of dropping off the map this year. That would be too bad because I know Bishop Franklin is looking forward to spending time with his younger brothers and sisters this summer. He sees Senior High as a pivotal age group of upcoming leaders in our diocese (and I agree). The best time to get to know him and the other young people of your diocese is at camp. Plus it's a week off after school ends, a week away from your usual routine with your family.
We'll be exploring new things and new places and new relationships. Please get you application in for camp this week. Even better, do it today! If you follow THIS LINK it will take you to the online registration form that you can fill in right now.
I can't imagine anyone enjoys this, I know I don't.
I'm a big an of camp. It was pivotal in my own journey of faith when I was a teen. I want to make sure we offer that same kind of formational opportunity to the young people of this diocese.
But here's the reality - Unless we get about 6 more people signed up Senior High Conference is in danger of dropping off the map this year. That would be too bad because I know Bishop Franklin is looking forward to spending time with his younger brothers and sisters this summer. He sees Senior High as a pivotal age group of upcoming leaders in our diocese (and I agree). The best time to get to know him and the other young people of your diocese is at camp. Plus it's a week off after school ends, a week away from your usual routine with your family.
We'll be exploring new things and new places and new relationships. Please get you application in for camp this week. Even better, do it today! If you follow THIS LINK it will take you to the online registration form that you can fill in right now.
Friday, May 13, 2011
This is actually a commercial video for a British online content company. But I think it has something profoundly spiritual to say as well. What do you think?
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Our new bishop!
Check out the video from this amazing day!
Consecration of Bishop R. William Franklin from Laurie Wozniak on Vimeo.
Consecration of Bishop R. William Franklin from Laurie Wozniak on Vimeo.
Friday, April 22, 2011
April Youth Commission minutes
Youth Commission
Diocese of WNY
Minutes for meeting of April 17, 2011
St. Patrick's Episcopal Church, Cheektowaga NY
Meeting began at 2:01 PM
Open with prayer led by Vicki and Check In
(Small turnout discussed, attributed to holiday travels)
Consecration Lock-in - Up to 54 registrations! 24 High School and 30 Middle School with lots of “new” names. Also representation from some congregations we don't often see – St. Lukes Attica, St Simons Buffalo and St Marks Riverside. Preparations continue for gifts for bishops. PB's is set, Wendy is handling Bishop Garrison's and Jay is pulling together pieces of the bishop-elect. Bishop-elect Franklin is interested in knowing what will be expected of him.
Happening – Noted again that Megan Krawczyk remains as rector and that there will be a reunion at the Cathedral April 7 10-2
Journeys – Updated apps will be available at the Consecration Overnight. Once apps are out then Teaming dates will be set.
Episcopal Youth Event (EYE) – Seth Gregg has been added to the delegation. Hasn't met yet and people getting antsy. Jay and Wendy mis-communicated and Wendy got left out of several key pieces of information. Jay will turn over all necessary information to her first thing next week and she will help delegation get legs underneath them. Then leadership will be turned over to the delegation. Several students have Regents tests on the first day so the group will have to travel later. Will shoot for a meeting on April 26.
Camp – Applications remain at 4. Assuming Easter/Spring Break/Consecration have everyone's attention tied up. A reminder mailing will go out after all that is behind us.
Scholarship- Vicki showed a preliminary poster for fall fundraiser. Need to check with bishop to insure he is OK with concept and with H. Gondree to make sure all our ducks are in a row. Vicki also identified 11 or so grant possibilities. She doesn't have time for that many proposals. Andrea Brown and Liz Brauza volunteered to help out. Giselle Jackman also suggested as person with background in this. Looking for a date to meet and discuss.
Communication – Weekly newsletters are back on regular schedule. Other vehicles being used. Previously noted slip up with Wendy about EYE being addressed first thing next week.
Youth Missioner's Report –
- Job related – Things going about as expected for this time of year and with additional items on schedule.
- Personal - Jay's extended family is going through some serious problems and that has affected him. He and his family will be moving to a different home at the end of the month. Is hoping things will finally settle down.
Motion to adjourn, all in favor.
Meeting closed in prayer at 3:04PM
Notes taken by Jay Phillippi. Typed by Jay Phillippi
Monday, April 11, 2011
Consecration Overnight Countdown!
If you have been thinking about coming to the Consecration overnight you need to know this:
You must register this week! After this week registration will be closed!
Because we need to coordinate with the Consecration committee for tickets to the event itself we have a HARD deadline. Don't put it off and then miss out! Details below.
Consecration OVERNIGHT
Bishop Bill hopes to see YOU!
(I should really get a picture of the Bishop Elect doing the old recruiting poster pose!)
(I should really get a picture of the Bishop Elect doing the old recruiting poster pose!)
This is absolutely serious. He wants to meet as many young people this year as possible. And he absolutely wants young people to be there, to be part of the consecration. This is a special occasion for our diocese. It only happens once every 10-15 years. So you could be 30 before it happens again (or even older. Hard to imagine right?)
So we're planning a great fun overnight for grades 6-12 April 29-30 starting at 7:30 PM. Cost is only $5 but you need to pre-register. The good news is that you can do that online HERE. There's also a permission slip you can download and mail in. This is a great chance to meet the new bishop, talk with Bishop Michael, meet the Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church, create something special for the Consecration itself, play games and then go to the Consecration in the morning if you want (free tickets will be available for you AND your family) If you have questions send them to
Don't forget to register for camp!
Yeah, still no movement.
Brochures were sent to ALL the congregations and you can register on the camp page at EYouthWNY.org (HERE). There are links for all the other forms you'll need too. Questions? Get in touch, all my contact info is at the bottom of the newsletter.
If you have any questions call/text/message/facebook me!
10As he made his entrance into Jerusalem, the whole city was shaken. Unnerved, people were asking, "What's going on here? Who is this?" (Matthew 21:10)
Over the years I am always surprised by little verses like these. They are parts of stories that we think we know perfectly. But when I go back and read them I find these little extra bits that get glossed over. At the beginning of Holy Week we all focus on this triumphant entry into Jerusalem and we think of the shouting and cheering and the palms being laid on the road in front of him. Not everyone was quite that excited.The reality is that Jesus was an unknown factor to some people back then and he's still an unknown factor to a lot of people today. And we tend to be afraid of things we don't understand.
There are lots of ways to help people understand who Jesus really is today. For me the best way is by looking at how his followers live in the world. How we behave, what we do, what we say and how we deal with not only other followers but how we deal with folks who AREN'T followers too.
Celebrating the Messiah is great. Think about this. After the crowd cut down all those palm fronds and threw them all over the street, who cleaned up the mess?
Think: If someone knew nothing about Jesus or being a Christian what would they learn if they watched you for a couple days?
Pray: Ask God to help you make sure that you not only are a good example of Christ in this world but that you clean up any messes you make along the way.
Do: Remember that Jesus told us that everything is based on three simple rules. Love God, Love your neighbors and love one another. Try living you life that way.
Pray: Ask God to help you make sure that you not only are a good example of Christ in this world but that you clean up any messes you make along the way.
Do: Remember that Jesus told us that everything is based on three simple rules. Love God, Love your neighbors and love one another. Try living you life that way.
Fun Stuff
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FORGETTABLE FACTEnglish naval hero Viscount Horatio Nelson chose to be buried in St. Paul's Church in London rather than in the national shrine of Westminster Abbey because he had heard that Westminster was sinking into the Thames.
"The optimist proclaims that we live in the best of all possible worlds; the pessimist fears this is true" - James Branch Cabell "I am not young enough to know everything." - Oscar Wilde |
Monday, March 28, 2011
Newsletter March 28
There are lots of great events coming up! And you can register for them RIGHT NOW! Why wait till the last minute? Too often that means hassles and delays and worse things. So take care of them right now. You'll find links to all the registration sites waiting for you. Do it today and then you don't have to worry!
Don't forget to register for camp!
As of the moment I write this we have exactly 4 camp registrations. For ALL the camps. I mean I know it's March but come on people! 2 for Senior High, 1 for Junior High and 1 for Sleep Away. Time to go and talk to your friends! Remember while this is church camp its available to anyone.
Brochures were sent to ALL the congregations and you can register on the camp page at EYouthWNY.org (HERE). There are links for all the other forms you'll need too.
Consecration Overnight!
Please note the first line below:
So here's the deal. Bishop-elect Franklin wants to meet you. Yes, you.
This is absolutely serious. He wants to meet as many young people this year as possible. And he absolutely wants young people to be there, to be part of the consecration. This is a special occasion for our diocese. It only happens once every 10-15 years. So you could be 30 before it happens again (or even older. Hard to imagine right?)
So we're planning a great fun overnight for grades 6-12 April 29-30 starting at 7:30 PM. Cost is only $5 but you need to pre-register. The good news is that you can do that online HERE. There's also a permission slip you can download and mail in. This is a great chance to meet the new bishop, talk with Bishop Michael, meet the Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church, create something special for the Consecration itself, play games and then go to the Consecration in the morning if you want (free tickets will be available for you AND your family) If you have questions send them to
Other events you might want to check out:
Episcopal Day in Narnia - The folks at St Pauls Harris Hill have arranged for a group rate to see the Narnia exhibit at the Buffalo Science Museum.
If you are planning on coming we need to know in advance so that we wait for you. Tell your parents or youth leader to email Mother Vicki at paulsrector@gmail.com.
If you have any questions call/text/message/facebook me!
Don't forget to register for camp!
As of the moment I write this we have exactly 4 camp registrations. For ALL the camps. I mean I know it's March but come on people! 2 for Senior High, 1 for Junior High and 1 for Sleep Away. Time to go and talk to your friends! Remember while this is church camp its available to anyone.
Brochures were sent to ALL the congregations and you can register on the camp page at EYouthWNY.org (HERE). There are links for all the other forms you'll need too.
Consecration Overnight!
Please note the first line below:
So here's the deal. Bishop-elect Franklin wants to meet you. Yes, you.
This is absolutely serious. He wants to meet as many young people this year as possible. And he absolutely wants young people to be there, to be part of the consecration. This is a special occasion for our diocese. It only happens once every 10-15 years. So you could be 30 before it happens again (or even older. Hard to imagine right?)
So we're planning a great fun overnight for grades 6-12 April 29-30 starting at 7:30 PM. Cost is only $5 but you need to pre-register. The good news is that you can do that online HERE. There's also a permission slip you can download and mail in. This is a great chance to meet the new bishop, talk with Bishop Michael, meet the Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church, create something special for the Consecration itself, play games and then go to the Consecration in the morning if you want (free tickets will be available for you AND your family) If you have questions send them to
Other events you might want to check out:
Episcopal Day in Narnia - The folks at St Pauls Harris Hill have arranged for a group rate to see the Narnia exhibit at the Buffalo Science Museum.
The date is Sunday April 10. Our time is 2 p.m. The cost is $8 for adults and $7 for children. We have to go in as a group, so lets meet in the Science Museum parking lot at 1:45.
If you have any questions call/text/message/facebook me!
Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” (John 8:32)
I thought of this as I was surfing the net today and came across something written by a guy name Mike Yaconelli. He was a pastor of a very small church in California (he called it "...the slowest growing church in America. We started twelve years ago with 90 members and have un-grown to 30.") The reason for that was that Yac (as everyone called him) made sure there was room for people to be themselves. In fact the article I came across was called "The Truth Shall Make You Odd". That image has always appealed to me. The reality is that actually being a Christian, which means that you love God, you love your neighbors and you love yourself to the best of your ability, makes you odd. Our culture isn't about caring for one another. It's every man for himself, looking out for #1, winning.
We're "odd" because we care. Being odd is not only OK in our theology it's actually encouraged.
Think: How can your faith make you odd at school, at home, in your neighborhood (virtual or in real life)?
Pray: Being odd can feel a little strange at times. Ask God to help you be comfortable being his kind of odd.
Do: What can you do that expresses God's kind of wonderful oddness in your life today and tomorrow? Go and be odd for God.
PeacePray: Being odd can feel a little strange at times. Ask God to help you be comfortable being his kind of odd.
Do: What can you do that expresses God's kind of wonderful oddness in your life today and tomorrow? Go and be odd for God.
Monday, March 21, 2011
Help create the future for Happening!
“The Western New York Happening Board is excited to announce the Blue Ribbon Commission! This is an opportunity for teens and young adults who have participated in the Happening ministry to come together in order to take a fresh look at the ministry and set new goals to achieve as we begin the journey with Bishop Franklin.
This youth ministry offers a life changing event to all teens, from among other teens in the diocese. The weekend experience is only the first step in a spiritual walk that will last throughout our lifetime.
The entire faith community benefits from youth being engaged spiritually, and growing in their walk with the Lord! Join Us on Saturday April 2nd, 2011 at the new Ministry Center for the Western New York Episcopal Diocese, located at 1064 Brighton Road
Tonawanda, NY 14150. We will tour the new facility and meet from 9:15am – 3:30pm. All participants are asked to bring a snack to share and $3 so that lunch can be provided.
Tonawanda, NY 14150. We will tour the new facility and meet from 9:15am – 3:30pm. All participants are asked to bring a snack to share and $3 so that lunch can be provided.
Contact Giselle Jackman, Happening Board Chair at g_jackman@hotmail.com or the Happening Spiritual Advisor, Rev. Harry Grace at (716) 836-3781 or htg385@gmail.com for more information.
Friday, March 18, 2011
Consecration Overnight - The Beginning of a New Dance

If you're in grades 6-12 don't miss out on the chance to get together and have some fun! We'll be spending the night at the new Diocesan Ministry Center, play some games, learn a little bit about how our church works and, oh by the way, spend some time with Bishop Garrison, Bishop-elect Franklin AND the Presiding Bishop of The Episcopal Church Katherine Jefferts-Schori. You'll never get a chance like this again! Afterward you'll have the chance to go to the consecration and watch Bishop-elect Bill become Bishop Bill.
Friday April 29 7:00 PM to Saturday April 30 9:30
Cost is only $5
You must register in advance (to insure food and tickets)
Register HERE
Consecration tickets will be provided for the youth attending AND their parents/siblings
Friday, February 25, 2011
The First Steps of the New Dance
Consecration Overnight with Bishop-elect Franklin, Bishop Garrison AND Presiding Bishop Jefferts-Schori!
Friday April 29 7 PM to Saturday April 30 at 9:30 AM
Diocesan Ministry Center
Cost $5 per person
Open to youth in Middle School and High School
Youth and their parents will receive VIP tickets to the consecration on the 30th at UB
(Download the permission slip and mail it to:
St. Patrick's Episcopal Church
Atten: Wendy Schumacher
1395 George Urban Blvd.
Cheektowaga, NY 14225
We're planning a fun event with separate programs for Middle School and High School. We will work together on some projects and get a chance to meet with our incoming bishop and the Presiding Bishop as well. Then in the morning we can go to the Consecration event (with families!) to watch this wonderful event in the life of our diocese.
It is very important that you sign up in advance to insure we reserve enough VIP tickets for youth and families. If you have any questions email us at eyouthwny@gmail.com
Monday, February 14, 2011
Will you be my valentine?
So for those of us who celebrating Valentine's Day I hope you have a wonderful one. Not everybody is a fan however. Some people just find it shallow and fake. Others find great pain when so much attention is focused on "people who are in love" if that's not where they find themselves at that moment. It can be a bit much I'll grant you.
For those who find the whole "Hearts and Flowers" stuff irritating/aggravating/painful I have this advice: Forget about all the "stuff" that comes along with this day. Remember that it is yet another opportunity to celebrate the love in our lives. Even if we're the only one who loves us at the moment. That is, of course, never true. God loves you. Yep, you. Right now. Just the way you are. No matter how messed up you may think you are God loves you and wants you to be the you He sees in His dreams.
That's always been one of the hardest parts of the walk in faith for me. The idea that God loves me despite how screwed up I am, that God loves me through how screwed up I am, that how screwed up I am doesn't deflect God's love for me so much as the width of a hair. That doesn't mean he doesn't want to work on the screwed up parts. He certainly does. It means that while I'm working on those parts God is still there beside me helping me (if I'll let him)
So forget the stuff that hurts you or strikes you as phony. Remember that you are always God's valentine and do something nice for yourself.)
Friday, February 11, 2011
Camp Applications are here!
Are you ready for camp?
I know I am!
Check out the camp page at EYouthWNY where you can now download a camp brochure with application or go directly to the online application.
Applications are being printed even as you read this and will be in the mail to families and congregations starting next week!
REMEMBER Waiting to the Last Minute Puts
Camps at Risk! Send Your Application In
Right Away!
Monday, February 7, 2011
The Difference between "I Don't Like It" and "It Sucks"
I've been thinking about how often I hear people of all ages announce that something sucks. When they say that what they mean is that it's without value, it's bad and no one should listen/watch/read/pay attention to it.
The problem is that more often than not they're wrong. What they're so quick to dismiss is usually just not to their taste. They don't like it. For some reason we're less likely to say that, "I don't like that" and that puzzled me a little. There are lots of things I don't like. Opera for example. I've been to an opera performed by quality professional singers. That was 30 years ago. I haven't gone back since. I can recognize the quality of the music (in fact there is some music from operas I kind of like), the quality of the performance by the singers and the orchestra. But I'd rather do a whole lot of other things rather than sit through another opera.
The problem with making the jump from "I Don't Like It" to "It Sucks" is that it says we've decided that our point of view, our taste in whatever is now the final word on the subject. That's a rather astoundingly egotistic statement when you think about it. Now there ARE experts out there in pretty much any subject. If they want to tell me that something sucks then I guess they have a right.
But what if I like it anyway?
I hate it when people try and inflict their point of view or taste on me and I bet you do too. People who think you should only listen to THEIR favorite music and thinks yours is horrible/awful/stupid/cheesy/
The problem is that more often than not they're wrong. What they're so quick to dismiss is usually just not to their taste. They don't like it. For some reason we're less likely to say that, "I don't like that" and that puzzled me a little. There are lots of things I don't like. Opera for example. I've been to an opera performed by quality professional singers. That was 30 years ago. I haven't gone back since. I can recognize the quality of the music (in fact there is some music from operas I kind of like), the quality of the performance by the singers and the orchestra. But I'd rather do a whole lot of other things rather than sit through another opera.
The problem with making the jump from "I Don't Like It" to "It Sucks" is that it says we've decided that our point of view, our taste in whatever is now the final word on the subject. That's a rather astoundingly egotistic statement when you think about it. Now there ARE experts out there in pretty much any subject. If they want to tell me that something sucks then I guess they have a right.
But what if I like it anyway?
I hate it when people try and inflict their point of view or taste on me and I bet you do too. People who think you should only listen to THEIR favorite music and thinks yours is horrible/awful/stupid/cheesy/
This really comes down to the Golden Rule (the great thing about our faith is that there are really only a couple rules and they're all simple) - Treat people the way you want to be treated. If you love Taylor Swift and your friend loves screamo death metal then treat their music with the same respect you'd like them to treat Taylor Swift's latest. They love all the Pirates of the Caribbean movies and you hate them? Love the Buffalo Bills or hate all sports? Treat them the way you want to be treated. That means to care for them, respect them and agree to disagree. Any other way of life just, well, sucks. Peace Jay |
Monday, January 10, 2011
Events and Applications!
Lots of things to think about:
There will be three very full days of worship, sharing, praying, learning, singing, and working between the arrival and departure days. Base price is $275 plus the cost of transportation. We will travel as a diocesan group. You need to get your application into the Diocesan Registrar (Jay Phillippi) as soon as possible.
Applications are now available HERE and you should get yours in right away. There's LOTS of planning to do. Adult applications are needed too for leaders. You'll find them at the same link.
Episcopal Youth Event (EYE) -
June 22-26, St. Paul Minnesota
We need to assemble the delegation that will represent our diocese this summer!
There will be three very full days of worship, sharing, praying, learning, singing, and working between the arrival and departure days. Base price is $275 plus the cost of transportation. We will travel as a diocesan group. You need to get your application into the Diocesan Registrar (Jay Phillippi) as soon as possible.
Applications are now available HERE and you should get yours in right away. There's LOTS of planning to do. Adult applications are needed too for leaders. You'll find them at the same link.
Bishop's Ball 2011
February 26, 7-10 PM
Diocesan Ministry Center
1064 Brighton Rd, Tonawanda NY
Admission $8
Admission $8
One more chance to party with Bishop Micheal at the premier social event of our year! Plus we'll be in a brand new place celebrating the move to the new Diocesan Ministry Center. If you haven't seen it this is a wonderful new location for us to get together and enjoy. Bring your friends. The dress code is formal and it is open to grades 7-12 and like minded adults.
Consecration weekend overnight
April 29-30
Diocesan Ministry Center
We're starting the planning sessions for this event and our hope is to have a great turn out of both Middle School/Junior High and High School students show up. There will be seperate activity tracks for each age group.
What we need right now are adults who are willing to help plan and pull off this event. We are very excited about the prospect of meeting with our new bishop and the Presiding Bishop as well. Please contact the event coordinator Wendy Schumacher at wschu79 (at) yahoo.com (substitute an @ for the (at))
Camp 2011
We're still finalizing the details but the online application is available for anyone who wants to jump right in. Prices should about the same as last summer and the dates are pretty much the same as well. You'll find all the details that we have so far on the CAMPS page at eyouthwny.org. All the forms are found HERE
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