Friday, September 27, 2013

EYE Deadline Reminder

The Episcopal Youth Event is a triennial (once every three years) event that draws together young people from all over The Episcopal Church.  That means all of the United States plus dioceses in Central and South America, the Caribbean, Europe, Asia plus military chaplaincies and other organizations from around the world.  I take a closer look at the event in THIS POST.

At the moment what we need to focus on is this:

There are 24 slots available for youth in our diocese.
That's all we get.  That's all ANYBODY gets.
When those are gone, they're gone.

(There are a maximum of 6 adult slots.  The number of young people going
will decide how many adults we need.  Everything that follows applies to adults too)

In years past we were pretty relaxed about getting in applications and who was going and such stuff.


The HARD Deadline for applications is November 3, 2013.

A hard deadline means the application must be in my hands by that date.

Not in the mail.

Not waiting to be signed.

No excuses or explanations.

If we don't have it by 5 PM on November 3, 2013 you will not be considered for the trip.

Why are we being so mean?

It's really not about being mean.  The EYE trip is a big project.  Lots of transportation issues and preparation and fundraising issues.  The trip works best if the people traveling together have formed a community (because sometimes there are bumps in the road).  There is no other trip, event or program we do quite like EYE.  So we need to know that folks are committed to the trip and the goals of the trip.

We're getting the word out early.  We'll be reminding you again and again.  For most people this is a once in a lifetime trip.  Jump over that other blog post and look at the pictures.

Then fill out your application and send it in.

(Download link - right click and save)

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Youth Missioner on the road!

If you look at the job description you won't see "Must travel well" anywhere in it. The reality is that traveling is a big part of what I do these days. I will be "on the road" every Sunday in September starting this Sunday, every Sunday in October, at least two (but it could be three) Sundays in November and three Sundays in December. The goal of that travel is to help me stay connected with all the congregations and the folks working with young in the diocese. It's a great opportunity for folks to ask questions and make requests about the youth ministry in the diocese as well.

Of course I also travel up to the Diocesan Ministry Center once every week for my office hours there. It's a great chance for me to connect with the other member's of Bishop Bill's staff and tap into the expertise of that talented group of people. It's also another chance for people to talk with me, ask questions, make suggestions and even offer (constructive) criticism. I invite and really hope you'll take the opportunity to call or stop by while I'm there. I try to make sure that the next several weeks schedule is available on our calendar and in our newsletters.

Sometimes I also get the chance to travel a little more widely.  For the last decade (on and off) I've had the chance to travel around our Province, especially in the dioceses of New York and New Jersey.  Sadly I haven't had the chance to visit our brothers and sisters in the American Virgin Islands (and yes that IS part of our province).  Happily I have had the chance to join with folks in the Episcopal Church in Europe.  My travels also have taken me all over the United States.

So it's probably a good thing that I enjoy traveling.

My goal in all of this to share all the wonderful ideas and experiences that I've collected along the way.  I pick up some gifts here and share them every where I stop along the way.  I hope that I can travel out to visit with you sometime soon.
