Friday, June 28, 2013

Day Four at Senior High - Talent Show!

Back to our regular routine today.  Well mostly.  The weather forced a change on us.

Chaplain's time, classes and meals were the regular schedule.  Our afternoon time at the waterfront (swimming and sailing) was cancelled because it was so cool and wet.  We didn't think that sounded like much fun so we practiced for the Talent Show tonight.  More on that in a minute.

With all the fun we have here worship is a huge part of our day.  We pray as a community three times a day plus we sing a version of the doxology after every meal.
Morning worship as Giselle reads our scripture passage

At the center of our day (literally, right before lunch) is the Eucharist

There are a lot of reasons why we love coming to LCLC
This is one of them.  Sunset over our conference tonight.

Pictures from the talent show still to come!

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Day Three at Senior High Conference - Service Day

Today's the day when we do something different.  No classes today, no chaplain's time.  Instead we go out and actually live out our life in faith.

We take one afternoon of our time together and offer it up to God's service in the world.  This year we went to St. Peter's Episcopal church in Westfield to help them with a big painting project.

We started the day working on an all conference project led by Mother Ellen.  She taught us a little about prayer beads in religion and the Anglican Rosary in our own tradition.  Then we made our own!  It took a lot of patience and hard work because some of the parts are very small.

Michelle is working with one of those little tiny pieces.

After lunch (TACOS!  And we couldn't stay for seconds.  Great disappointment.) we got into the cars and rode up to Westfield.  Once we got organized we got a lot done painting two rooms in the church.
Team Miller hard at work with Nate leading

These are the covers for the heating units in the rooms we are painting.

They were spray painting the ceiling in the Bailey room so we had  masks
It was still pretty smelly!

It was four hours but it was a HARD four hours.  At the end we could walk out knowing that we had done work in an afternoon that might have taken much longer for the church without our help.

Then we went home and took showers!

After dinner and singing with Chuck our evening activity was a conference olympics.  We played gaga-ball, played religious jeopardy and a team candy toss.

Our days always end with Jay time when our conference director leads us through some discussion of the day, then Compline and our end of day song.

Sleep sounded like a great idea about then.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Day Two at Senior High Conference

Had another great day at LCLC!

Our schedule was the same as yesterday with Chaplain's time, classes and our afternoon recreation.  Lots of us got to go out on the lake today.
Some of us went on the catamarans

And some of us went on the kayaks
We're still enjoying our classes (although Liz's Poverty Game is really hard!)  The meals have been good too.  
We've had hamburgers and grilled cheese and tomato soup and chicken patties and pizza.  We've also learned to be careful with our bacon when Jay is around.

Last night was supposed to be our campfire but it rained just enough to make that a bad idea.  So we stayed inside and played some games.  And found a way to make s'mores inside!  So it was a good night.

Tomorrow is our service project day.  

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Day One at Senior High Conference

Yesterday was unbelievably hot and humid but today is a little better.

Getting a feel for our routine.  Almost everyone got up on time (we would never rat out our chaplain) for morning worship.  Madre Liz did a great job with the chaplain's time after breakfast.  We're looking at the lyrics of some great music and comparing it to some of the words in the Bible.  "Stand By Me" echoes one of the Psalms.  We're going to spend the week working on some pieces for the closing worship on Friday.

Classes were a little disorganized because some of us forgot which classes we signed up for!  We got that straightened out and had some great discussions.  Mother Ellen is leading a class on relationships, Giselle is doing one on that's looking at drinking in the Bible and how it gives us direction in how to behave (and NOT), Paul's class is about what it means to be an Episcopalian and Liz is doing the Poverty Game.  This is a role playing game where we get a taste of trying to live at the edge of society.  It's complicated and pretty tough.

At the middle of our day you'll find the Eucharist.  Then we go to lunch.

After lunch it's rest hour, our second class, then swimming/sailing, a free hour then dinner.  The water felt pretty good today.  It's not as humid as yesterday but it's still pretty hot.

After dinner we work on music with Chuck.  We're learning things for each day's worship plus things for our Friday closing worship.  Maybe we'll post a sound clip later in the week.

Our evening program for tonight is game night!  We start off with bingo, then played board games and some outdoor games too.

Finally we spend a little time with our conference director Jay going over the day, followed by Compline and our closing song with the words of St Julian of Norwich.
"All will be well, and all will be well and all manner of things will be well"

Well of course they will.  We're at Senior High.  (Jean says hi)