Yesterday was unbelievably hot and humid but today is a little better.
Getting a feel for our routine. Almost everyone got up on time (we would never rat out our chaplain) for morning worship. Madre Liz did a great job with the chaplain's time after breakfast. We're looking at the lyrics of some great music and comparing it to some of the words in the Bible. "Stand By Me" echoes one of the Psalms. We're going to spend the week working on some pieces for the closing worship on Friday.
Classes were a little disorganized because some of us forgot which classes we signed up for! We got that straightened out and had some great discussions. Mother Ellen is leading a class on relationships, Giselle is doing one on that's looking at drinking in the Bible and how it gives us direction in how to behave (and NOT), Paul's class is about what it means to be an Episcopalian and Liz is doing the Poverty Game. This is a role playing game where we get a taste of trying to live at the edge of society. It's complicated and pretty tough.
At the middle of our day you'll find the Eucharist. Then we go to lunch.
After lunch it's rest hour, our second class, then swimming/sailing, a free hour then dinner. The water felt pretty good today. It's not as humid as yesterday but it's still pretty hot.
After dinner we work on music with Chuck. We're learning things for each day's worship plus things for our Friday closing worship. Maybe we'll post a sound clip later in the week.
Our evening program for tonight is game night! We start off with bingo, then played board games and some outdoor games too.
Finally we spend a little time with our conference director Jay going over the day, followed by Compline and our closing song with the words of St Julian of Norwich.
"All will be well, and all will be well and all manner of things will be well"
Well of course they will. We're at Senior High. (Jean says hi)