Monday, January 30, 2012

News from this week's newsletter.  You can sign up for the newsletter at
Look for the link at the top of any page.

Hope everyone is getting excited about the Bishop's Ball.  Bishop Bill is looking forward to seeing LOTS of faces at the dance.  Feel free to bring a friend, make sure you invite all the youth at your church!  Cost is just $5, 7-10 PM, February 11 at the Diocesan Ministry Center.  We've got a new video about Bishop's Ball you can download from HERE

Applications are now available to download HERE

We are still working on the online applications.  Should have them soon.  Your church already has some applications, make sure you ask about them.

Please make sure your parents see this years new Early Bird Registration .  Get your application AND deposit in by March 1 and save $15 on the cost of camp.  There will be no "extension" on the Early Bird Registration.  It must be in by March 1!
If you're a Happener and want to be on the Team for the Spring weekend remember the deadline for applications is this Saturday!  If you haven't Happened yet think about it!  This is a great weekend filled with fun and music and some great spiritual thinking time led by other teens.  Find out more HERE

Upcoming Events

Happening Board Meeting - February 11

Bishop's Ball - February 11, Diocesan Ministry Center 

Youth Commission - February 19, 2 PM St Patricks Cheektowaga  

Monday, January 9, 2012

Happy New Year!

We have confirmed camp dates for 2012!  We are still ironing out some details on costs for this summer.  Applications will be available ASAP.  But have everyone mark those dates down!
Senior High June 24-30
Junior High August 5-11
Sleep Away August 12-15
 A mailing with flyers for a lot of the upcoming events will be headed out in the next couple days.  Look for it!
Time is running out for applications to GCOYP!!!!
We could especially use female and minority applicants!
Province 2 of The Episcopal Church is looking for Western New York's best and brightest young people.  The application period is open right now (through Jan 15) for the General Convention Official Youth Presence (GCOYP).  It's a role that would put a young person in leadership at a whole new level.  We are looking for youth that are willing to work hard as a member of a team and represent not just WNY but the youth of our Province.
Check out the requirements and the nominating links HERE 

They would have to be available April 12-15 and July 5-12.  All of those dates, no exceptions.  Plus ALL EXPENSES ARE COVERED.  For both time periods and for everything other than pocket money.
If you can think of someone who would fit the description please talk with them and urge them to apply ASAP.
Contact me with any questions.

Coming up in January we have an overnight event for grades 6-12.  The Youth Overnight Event with Bishop Bill is January 20-21 at the Diocesan Ministry Center.  Cost is $10 per person.  The youth will be broken down into an older (HS) group and younger (MS) group for activities and their time with Bishop Franklin.  Each group will have it's own dedicated adult leadership as well.  Event starts at 7PM,

Registration needs to be done in advance and can be done by e-mail-
The overnight ends with Eucharist and we hope to be out the door at noon.  Hoping to see lots of youth there.  The Bishop is very excited about this event which follows in the footsteps of the Consecration Overnight.  He really enjoyed that time and is looking forward to having more time with the youth.
We handed out a lot of flyers for this event at Convention but I'm trying to get something else out in the next couple weeks.
Registration deadline is the Monday before the event.  January 16, 2012.
Online registration HERE
Password is the bishop's last name

The Bishop's Ball is February 11, 7 -10PM at the Diocesan Ministry Center.
Open to grades 7-12
Cost - $5 
The Bishop really enjoyed himself last year and is looking forward to spending some time with the youth again.