Some interesting things going on. In order to be more transparent and help people stay informed and involved we will be posting Happening Board minutes just like we've been doing with Youth Commission minutes for many years now. (You can find the Youth Commission minutes on the Youth Commission page at Happening minutes will be posted on the Happening page very soon).
In the meantime we are in need of a nurse for Sleep Away camp. If you have any ideas please contact me.
Plus coming up:
"The Western New York Happening Board is excited to announce the Second Meeting of Blue Ribbon Commission! This is an opportunity for teens and young adults who have participated in the Happening ministry to come together in order to take a fresh look at the ministry and set new goals to achieve as we begin a new journey with Bishop Franklin.
This youth ministry offers a life changing event to all teens, from other teens in the diocese. The weekend experience is only the first step in a spiritual walk that will last throughout our lifetime! All present Happening Youth are invited to define the next phase of Happening experiences for upcoming teens in Western New York.
The entire faith community benefits from youth being engaged spiritually, and growing in their walk with the Lord!
Come join us on Saturday August 13, 2011 at the new Ministry Center for the Western New York Episcopal Diocese, located at 1064 Brighton Road Tonawanda, NY 14150. We will tour the new facility and meet from 10:00am - 2:30pm. All participants are asked to bring a snack to share and $3 so that lunch can be provided.