Adult Youth Leaders Retreat
Tuesday, September 27 to Friday, September 30
Led by Jennifer Gamber and Fran McKendree
(I spent part of my sabbatical last year at Holy Cross Monastery. It is an amazing place and this retreat is led by a couple of really wonderful folks)For the past four years, youth ministers from across the country for a time of worship, prayer, study, and fellowship within the sacred rhythm of the Benedictine monastic community at Holy Cross. This year, we will explore our baptismal waters made alive with the current of God’s blessings. To what unexpected places have we been taken? What blessings have we poured into the lives of others? How have these blessings washed back on our shores seeking to be gathered and given out again?
In the morning, we will gather in song and begin our program together with study, sharing and reflection. In the afternoon, participants can choose among several options including personal reflection, praying the labyrinth, walking, and time for rest. Each evening, we engage in a guided meditation that participants can bring back to the youth at their churches.
Singer/songwriter Fran McKendree leads the group in song throughout the day and into the evening. This retreat offers a time of restoration and contemplation for youth ministers who seek to fill their wells in preparation to feed the souls of the teens they serve. Come be refreshed by God’s living water on the banks of the Hudson River.
Fee: $320, Deposit: $80