Don't forget to register for camp!
As of the moment I write this we have exactly 4 camp registrations. For ALL the camps. I mean I know it's March but come on people! 2 for Senior High, 1 for Junior High and 1 for Sleep Away. Time to go and talk to your friends! Remember while this is church camp its available to anyone.
Brochures were sent to ALL the congregations and you can register on the camp page at (HERE). There are links for all the other forms you'll need too.
Consecration Overnight!
Please note the first line below:
So here's the deal. Bishop-elect Franklin wants to meet you. Yes, you.
This is absolutely serious. He wants to meet as many young people this year as possible. And he absolutely wants young people to be there, to be part of the consecration. This is a special occasion for our diocese. It only happens once every 10-15 years. So you could be 30 before it happens again (or even older. Hard to imagine right?)
So we're planning a great fun overnight for grades 6-12 April 29-30 starting at 7:30 PM. Cost is only $5 but you need to pre-register. The good news is that you can do that online HERE. There's also a permission slip you can download and mail in. This is a great chance to meet the new bishop, talk with Bishop Michael, meet the Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church, create something special for the Consecration itself, play games and then go to the Consecration in the morning if you want (free tickets will be available for you AND your family) If you have questions send them to
Other events you might want to check out:
Episcopal Day in Narnia - The folks at St Pauls Harris Hill have arranged for a group rate to see the Narnia exhibit at the Buffalo Science Museum.
The date is Sunday April 10. Our time is 2 p.m. The cost is $8 for adults and $7 for children. We have to go in as a group, so lets meet in the Science Museum parking lot at 1:45.
If you have any questions call/text/message/facebook me!
Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” (John 8:32)
I thought of this as I was surfing the net today and came across something written by a guy name Mike Yaconelli. He was a pastor of a very small church in California (he called it "...the slowest growing church in America. We started twelve years ago with 90 members and have un-grown to 30.") The reason for that was that Yac (as everyone called him) made sure there was room for people to be themselves. In fact the article I came across was called "The Truth Shall Make You Odd". That image has always appealed to me. The reality is that actually being a Christian, which means that you love God, you love your neighbors and you love yourself to the best of your ability, makes you odd. Our culture isn't about caring for one another. It's every man for himself, looking out for #1, winning.
We're "odd" because we care. Being odd is not only OK in our theology it's actually encouraged.
Think: How can your faith make you odd at school, at home, in your neighborhood (virtual or in real life)?
Pray: Being odd can feel a little strange at times. Ask God to help you be comfortable being his kind of odd.
Do: What can you do that expresses God's kind of wonderful oddness in your life today and tomorrow? Go and be odd for God.
PeacePray: Being odd can feel a little strange at times. Ask God to help you be comfortable being his kind of odd.
Do: What can you do that expresses God's kind of wonderful oddness in your life today and tomorrow? Go and be odd for God.